Attached is the DASH. Sorry for the omission.
-----Original Message-----
From: Young, Randy
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Gorte, David; Cangucu, Andre
Cc: Stabler, Frank; Haedicke, Mark
Subject: Re: FW: CEG/CEG-Rio Dash (Final Version)
Dave and Andre: Attached is a final version of the CEG/CEG-Rio DASH for
circulation and approval. The Purchase and Sale Agreement is anticipated to
be signed on Sunday morning, April 29th. Given the short time period and in
order to expedite, please circulate a separate copy to each approving party.
Mark: Since you have asked me to sign the DASH, I wanted to make sure you
had a copy for review in connection with your legal risk memo. As you will
see, the DASH goes into a little more detail than the bullet-point format of
the legal risk memo would allow.
Thank you,
Randel R Young
Vice President & Assistant General Counsel
Enron Wholesale Services
1400 Smith Street, #3870A
Houston, TX 77002
PO Box 1198
Houston, TX 77251-1188
Phone: 713-345-2460
Assistant: 713-345-2459
Fax: 713-646-6058
Cell: 281-541-3885
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