2.,3., 5., and 8 are fine avec moi.
Ernie Patrikis
Privileged and Confidential
-----Original Message-----
From:?? Mary Cunningham [SMTP:MCUNNINGHAM@isda.org]
Sent:?? Thursday, September 07, 2000 11:53 AM
To:???? ISDA BOARD; Richard Grove
Cc:???? Robert Pickel; Ruth Ainslie; Nick Collier; Camille Irens; Yasuko
Horibe; Shigeki Kawano
Subject:??????? Member Applications
The following 9 institutions will go for approval at the next ISDA Board
meeting on September 13, 2000.
Associate Broker
1.? Treasury Connect - an internet-based communication and transaction
platform designed for the execution of currency and interest rate swaps.
2.? Cantor Fitzgerald International
3.? Allen & Gledhill - Singaporean law firm
4.? Mori Sogo Law Offices - Japanese law firm
5.? O'Melveny & Myers LLP - U.S. law firm
6.? TriOptima - Software Provider (Derk Brouwer's company)
7.? Bayview Financial Trading Group, L.P. - a finance company
8.? Inter-American Development Bank
9.? *Accord Energy Limited - a subsidiary of Centrica plc.? Accord is a
provider of gas and electricity to consumers and a range of other services
related to the home, work and motoring.
*We are checking at this time to see whether Accord Energy should be
applying at the Primary level.