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Get $200 Off the Price of This Industry Perspective Report if You Order by= =20 May 4, 2001 The Business Case for Fuel Cell Technology http://www.advancetechmonitor.com/Products/Reports/Industry_Perspectives/Fu= el% 20Cells/FC_Main.html Learn about the Newest Case Studies and Industry Views on: ???????? Policy Initiatives, Opportunities and Risks: ???????? The Market for Fuel Cells ???????? Fuel Cell Technology:? Principals, Applications and Advances ???????? Fuel Cell Development/Implementation ???????? Impact of Policy Initiatives ???????? Potential Utility Erosion by Fuel Cells ? ???????? Business Growth Opportunities ???????? Business Strategies to Pursue Fuel Cell Opportunities ???????? Fuel Cell Partnership:? Bonneville Power Administration and=20 Northwest Power Systems ???????? Opportunities in Fuel Cell Distribution ? ???????? Implementation of Fuel Cell Technology ???????? ConEdison=01,s Strategy to Meet Customer=01,s =01+Green=01, Object= ives ???????? Partnership Benefits for Utilities, Municipals, and Fuel Cell=20 Suppliers ???????? Interconnection =01) Essential Considerations for DG Technologies ???????? Fuel Cell Implementation at a Wastewater Treatment Plant ???????? Leverage of Funding and R&D Programs to Manage Fuel Cell=20 Implementation Costs For more information, contact our customer service department at 781-939-2418 or visit our web page at: www.advancetechmonitor.com Special Publication Offer This Report Specifically Covers the Following Areas: ???????? Fundamental design and operational principles of fuel cells,=20 applications and technology advances ???????? Leverage of funding and development programs to reduce costs of fu= el=20 cell implementation ???????? Joint ventures with fuel cell developers and manufactuers ???????? Market drivers for fuel cell systems ???????? Ways to achieve economies of scale ???????? Implications of federal, regional and state policy initatives ???????? Competition with grid-supplied power ???????? Implications of future generation portfolio standards ? Code=09Report Title=09Format=09Pages=09Special Pub. Price=09[IMAGE] AM909=09The Business Case for Fuel Cell Technology=09 =09=09CD ROM & =09=09Hardcopy=09200+=09 =09=09=09=09$1,590Discount =09=09=09=09$1,790 list=09 AU909=09 =09Report Update on Fuel Cells=09 =09=09CD ROM & =09=09Hardcopy=09=09 =09=09=09=09$750Discount =09=09=09=09$790 list=09 Shipping Charges: Domestic $30. International $50 Fax your order? to AdvanceTech Monitor at 781-939-2577. To take advantage o= f=20 the publication discount, order and payment must be received by May , 2001.= ?=20 The discount offer cannot be combine with any other offer. =09Name:=09=09Job Title: =09Company:=09=09Division: =09=09=09Address: City:=09State:=09Zip Code:=09Country Telephone:=09Fax:=09=09E-mail: Payment Options: ???? Check enclosed or mailed to: AdvanceTech Monitor 500 West Cummings Par= k,=20 Suite 5200,? Woburn, MA? 01801? U.S.A. ??Debit my Credit Card?? ??? Visa????????????????&nbs! p;?????? MasterCard ??????????????? American Express ?????????????? Credit Card=20 Number:__________________________________________________? Exp.=20 Date:________________________________ ?????????????? Name as it appears on=20 card:____________________________________________=20 Signature:__________________________________ ????? Wire Transfer?? ????????????=20 Bank Boston, 100 Federal Street, Boston, MA? 02110 ABA Routing #: 0110-00390; Account Name: Center for Business Intelligence Account#: 449-32180; reference Advance Tech Monitor and Report Code ? Your Transaction Number: _________________________________________ International Transactions: S.W.I.F.T. Address FNBBUS33 Telex# 449-6527 ? If you received this e-mail in error or would like to be removed, PLEASE= =20 CLICK HERE 0000468663