Enron Mail

Subject:The Reorganizing Energy Industry: Shifting Risks and Opportuniti es
Date:Wed, 22 Nov 2000 06:46:00 -0800 (PST)

Attached below is a brochure regarding an upcoming national symposium - The
Reorganizing Energy Industry: Shifting Risks and Opportunities to take place
in Madison, Wisconsin November 29 and 30, 2000. I am pleased to be
moderating this panel. Given your role in this important industry, I
believe that there are good reasons why you will want to attend.
The event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Public Utility Institute, The
Federal Energy Bar Association and the Energy & Telecommunications Section
of the Wisconsin Bar and will involve nationally prominent industry
representatives as members of the faculty. The meeting will include leading
Wall Street investment bankers, numerous regulatory commissioners from a
variety of influential jurisdictions, experts ready to discuss implications
of recent seismic events in the energy markets, and financial analysts and
credit agencies who must evaluate the business strategies of energy
companies to meet this unfolding future, and leading market participants.
Because the energy industry remains highly regulated, it remains a
market which can be affected dramatically by a small number of people - not
just through their use of capital in the market, but by their influence
upon the policy makers who are now setting, and will continue to set, the
rules. The Symposium has been designed to provide an intimate forum for the
exposition and discussion of energy industry policy among a mix of people
who will influence the unfolding energy markets. Obviously, you and your
organization need to play a leading role in these discussions and I
sincerely hope you can participate.


Sandy Williams

- symposium.pdf