Enron Mail

Subject:Tokyo ISDA Credit Sub-committee for non-Japanese speakers
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 11:30:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2001 06:30 PM -----

Jane McBride@ENRON
05/10/2001 12:08 AM

To: teruo.tanaka@ibjbank.co.jp
cc: Mike Gordon/AP/Enron@Enron, Mark Evans/Legal/LON/ECT@ECT, Alan
Subject: Tokyo ISDA Credit Sub-committee for non-Japanese speakers

Hi Terry,

Long time no see, hope you are well.

Our credit trading group is starting to build up a Japan team (out of London)
and the person who will head that group and has just started with us here in
Tokyo is Mike Gordon (email address above). Mike has indicated that he would
like to get involved with ISDA here and I recall that last year we discussed
getting some Enron traders involved in ISDA so this may be a good start.

I understand that the above newly established group has only met once here to
date and wonder if you would mind making direct contact with Mike, when you
have a chance, to let him know what is happening with the group here and
details of the next meeting. (I will also try and be as involved as I can in
this Sub-Committee now that we have these guys here on the ground.)

Jane McBride
Senior Legal Counsel
Enron Japan Corp.

Tel.: 81-3-5219-4500 (Main)
81-3-5219-4553 (Direct)
Fax: 81-3-5219-4510