Enron Mail

Subject:Upcoming Conferences on Deregulation, Distribution Systems, and
Date:Thu, 7 Sep 2000 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Dear Industry Professional:

Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., a leading provider of information-packed
conferences specific to the Electric Utility Industry, is pleased to announce
the following important conferences and workshops:

- Overview of the WSCC Market Workshop, October 25, 2000. Denver Colorado
- How to Build a Powerful Brand Workshop, October 25, 2000. Denver, Colorado
- Lessons Learned: Deregulation Progress Report, October 26-27, 2000. Denver,
- Distribution System Planning, Maintenance and Reliability Conference,
November 7-8, 2000. Denver, Colorado
- Performance-Based Ratemaking Conference, November 9-10, 2000. Denver,

This e-mail contains synopsis' for each of the conferences and links to our
web site where you can obtain full program agendas and register online!

Overview of the WSCC Market
October 25, 2000
Denver, Colorado


This half-day workshop will cover the broader structural and policy topics,
which are largely related to deregulation in the electric industry with
particular emphasis on the WSCC region.

Register now! http://www.euci.com/Conferences/owsregonline.htm

How to Build a Powerful Brand
October 25, 2000
Denver, Colorado


This workshop will focus on providing participants with knowledge and
understanding of the key branding issues. It will describe the elements
necessary for successful branding and will explore some actual successful
applications of branding.

Register now! http://www.euci.com/Conferences/htbregonline.htm

Lessons Learned: Deregulation Progress Report: Strategic Initiatives that are
Working in Active Retail and Wholesale Markets and Shareholder Value Creation
and Latest Developments in Marketing and E-Commerce
October 26-27, 2000 -- Denver, Colorado


This conference on electricity deregulation addresses initiatives that are
working in active retail and wholesale markets. Case studies of states where
deregulation has succeeded as planned will also be presented in addition to
major challenges being faced by some states . The conference will address
strategic and shareholder value creation, as well as the latest developments
in marketing and e-commerce.

Register now! http://www.euci.com/Conferences/lldregonline.htm

Distribution System Planning, Maintenance, and Reliability Conference
November 7-8, 2000
Denver, Colorado


The conference will address latest issues in modern power distribution
planning, engineering, cost minimization and reliability design principles
and methods as they apply to a modern de-regulated electric power industry.

Register Now! http://www.euci.com/Conferences/dspregonline.htm

Performance-Based Ratemaking Conference
November 9-10, 2000
Denver, Colorado


The Performance-Based Ratemaking Conference will address the current status
of PBR in North America and why utilities are considering adopting PBR. It
will discuss various types of PBR under considerations and pros and cons of
these schemes. The experts will discuss operational and design issues related
to PBR for both transmission and distribution companies. Major discussion
will focus on economic and reliability tradeoffs. The lessons learned from
overseas and domestic applications of PBR will be explored in detail.

Register Now! http://www.euci.com/Conferences/pbrregonline.htm

EUCI is also pleased to announce free subscriptions to our weekly Generation
e-Zine, and our weekly Transmission & Distribution e-Zine. Please click here
for more information: http://www.euci.com/ezines.htm

If you would like further information concerning our other upcoming
conferences, conference proceedings, weekly newsletter or anything else,
please visit our website at www.euci.com.

If you cannot attend these events, please forward this message to others in
your oganization who might benefit from attending.

Best Regards,

L. Mrig
Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI)
5555 Preserve Drive
Greenwood Village CO 80121
(303) 770-8800

Send us a note if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.