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Subject:Who owns the law?
Date:Thu, 17 May 2001 04:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

TO: Mark E. Haedicke FROM: Mark Whitney, TheLaw.net Corporation
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Why, in the information age, do so many continue to pay so much to West and
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United States Supreme Court, 1900

Federal Circuit, 1982

U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Cir., 1950
D.C. Court of Appeals, 1945

U.S. Court of Appeals, 1st Cir., 1930
Maine Supreme Judicial Court, 1996
Mass. Supreme Judicial Court, 1930
Massachusetts Appeals Court
New Hampshire Supreme Court, 1930
Rhode Island Supreme Court, 1950

U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Cir., 1930
Connecticut Supreme Court, 1950
Connecticut Appellate Court
New York Court of Appeals, 1955
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Div. 1st
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Div. 2nd
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Div. 3rd
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Div. 4th
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Term 1st
N.Y. Supreme Ct., App. Term 2nd
Vermont Supreme Court, 1930

U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd. Cir., 1930
U.S. District Court, New Jersey, 1999
Supreme Court of Delaware, 1950
New Jersey Supreme Court, 1930
N.J. Superior Court, Appellate Division
U.S. District Court, E.D.Pa., 1997
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 1950
Pennsylvania Superior Court
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court

U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Cir., 1930
U.S. District Court, Maryland, 1999
Maryland Court of Appeals, 1950
Maryland Special Court of Appeals
North Carolina Supreme Court, 1945
North Carolina Court of Appeals, 1968
U.S. District Court, South Carolina, 1999
South Carolina Supreme Court, 1996
South Carolina Court of Appeals
Virginia Supreme Court, 1930
Virginia Court of Appeals
W. Va. Supreme Court. of Appeals, 1991

U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Cir., 1930
Louisiana Supreme Court, 1980
Louisiana Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit
Louisiana Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit
Louisiana Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit
Louisiana Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit
Louisiana Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit
U.S. District Court, N. Mississippi, 1997
Mississippi Supreme Court, 1954
Mississippi Court of Appeals
Texas Supreme Court, 1950
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
Texas Court of Appeals, 1st District
Texas Court of Appeals, 2nd District
Texas Court of Appeals, 3rd District
Texas Court of Appeals, 4th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 5th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 6th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 7th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 8th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 9th District
Texas Court of Appeals, 11th District

U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir., 1930
Kentucky Supreme Court, 1945
Kentucky Court of Appeals
Michigan Supreme Court, 1930
Michigan Court of Appeals
Ohio Supreme Court, 1950
Ohio Court of Appeals, 1st District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 2nd District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 3rd District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 4th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 5th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 6th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 7th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 8th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 9th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 10th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 11th District
Ohio Court of Appeals, 12th District
Tennessee Supreme Court, 1950
Tennessee Ct. of Appeals, M. Grand Div.
Tennessee Ct. of Appeals, E. Grand Div.
Tennessee Ct. of Appeals, W. Grand Div.
Tennessee Ct. of Crim. App., M. Grand Div.
Tennessee Ct. of Crim. App. E. Grand Div.
Tennessee Ct. of Crim. App. W. Grand Div.

U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Cir., 1930
Illinois Supreme Court, 1985
Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District
Illinois Appellate Court, 2nd District
Illinois Appellate Court, 3rd District
Illinois Appellate Court, 4th District
Illinois Appellate Court, 5th District
Indiana Supreme Court, 1940
Indiana Court of Appeals, 1st District
Indiana Court of Appeals, 2nd District
Indiana Court of Appeals, 3rd District
Indiana Court of Appeals, 4th District
Indiana Court of Appeals, 5th District
Indiana Tax Court
Wisconsin Supreme Court, 1945
Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District I
Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District II
Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District III
Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District IV

U.S. Court of Appeals, 8th Cir., 1930
Arkansas Supreme Court, 1957
Arkansas Court of Appeals, 1995
Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Court of Appeals
Minnesota Supreme Court, 1930
Minnesota Court of Appeals
Missouri Supreme Court, 1960
Missouri Court of Appeals
Nebraska Supreme Court, 1965
Nebraska Court of Appeals
U.S. District Court, North Dakota, 1999
North Dakota Supreme Court, 1930
North Dakota Court of Appeals
South Dakota Supreme Court, 1965

U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Cir., 1941
Alaska Supreme Court, 1960
Alaska Court of Appeals
Arizona Supreme Court, 1930
Arizona Court of Appeals, 1st Division
Arizona Court of Appeals, 2nd Division
U.S. District Court, Central, California, 1998
California Supreme Court, 1930
California Court of Appeal, 1st Appellate Dt.
California Court of Appeal, 2nd Appellate Dt.
California Court of Appeal, 3rd Appellate Dt.
California Court of Appeal, 4th Appellate Dt.
California Court of Appeal, 5th Appellate Dt.
California Court of Appeal, 6th Appellate Dt.
Hawaii Supreme Court, 1930
Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals
Idaho Supreme Court, 1965
Idaho Court of Appeals
Montana Supreme Court, 1993
Nevada Supreme Court, 1950
Oregon Supreme Court, 1950
Oregon Court of Appeals
Washington Supreme Court, 1935
Washington Court of Appeals, 1st Division
Washington Court of Appeals, 2nd Division
Washington Court of Appeals, 3rd Division

U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Cir., 1930
Tenth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel
Colorado Supreme Court, 1930
Colorado Court of Appeals
Kansas Supreme Court, 1982
Kansas Court of Appeals
New Mexico Supreme Court, 1930
New Mexico Court of Appeals
Oklahoma Supreme Court, 1954
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
Oklahoma Court of Appeals
Utah Supreme Court, 1950
Utah Court of Appeals
Wyoming Supreme Court, 1993

U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Cir., 1981
Alabama Supreme Court, 1955
Alabama Court of Civil Appeals
Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals
Florida Supreme Court, 1950
Florida District Court of Appeal, 1st District
Florida District Court of Appeal, 2nd District
Florida District Court of Appeal, 3rd District
Florida District Court of Appeal, 4th District
Florida District Court of Appeal, 5th District
Georgia Supreme Court, 1940
Georgia Court of Appeals

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