Enron Mail

Subject:Asia Power 2002 - Your chance to meet CLP, EGAT, TNB, EMA &
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 04:23:58 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Suzanne Voo <database.sg@terrmail3.terrapinn.com<
X-To: Mr Mark E Haedicke <mhaedic@ect.enron.com<
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Dear Mr Mark E Haedicke

Ask Andrew Brandler, M.L. Chanaphun Kridakorn, Datuk Fuad bin Jaafar, Khoo Chin Hean and Chris Brown where they will be on Monday 4 February 2002 and the reply will be unanimous?

Join these power newsmakers at Asia Power 2002 as they sit together and discuss the key issues pertinent to the Asian power industry.
- What are the trends and developments in power sector regulation?
- What business models and fundamentals work in these tight and emerging markets?
- What are the challenges, issues and future of the Asian power industry?

But they are not alone?..

A bevy of key regulators from Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan, Meralco, MEA, Edison Mission, ASEAN Centre for Energy, PT PLN, ICICI, IDFC, IFC, ADB, JBIC and many more will join this CEO panel at Asia Power 2002.

This is your chance to meet power industry players and draw on their expertise and knowledge? Discover the latest happenings in the power sector? network with fellow power professionals, strike deals and forge business alliances? at Asia Power 2002!

Asia Power 2002 - Where Asia's power brokers and elite converge.
For more info, visit http://www.utiliconforum.com/asiapower_2002/ To register for the conference, mailto: suzanne.voo@terrapinn.com.

We look forward to seeing you in February next year!

Best regards

Suzanne Voo
Conference Manager
Asia Power 2002

Platinum Sponsor - Baker & McKenzie
Visit their website at www.bakernet.com

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