Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Sale of Business Agreement
Date:Wed, 26 Dec 2001 07:45:18 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: m l [mailto:mattlandy@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 6:14 AM
To: Lavorato, John; Haedicke, Mark E.
Cc: eric_9_shaw@hotmail.com; thor@lein.as; Fallon, Jim;
vonbock@btopenworld.com; lsherriff@btinternet.com; Allen, Melissa; Lien,
Thor; mattlandy@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Sale of Business Agreement

Please open the attachment which contains the business
sale agreement for the Norwegian branch of ECTRIC.
The document is ready for signature.

For those of you are not familiar with this
transaction, I am also attaching a short summary
description describing this deal and the need for
urgent action.

I am in Norway, working with Eric Shaw to preserve
Enron/ECTRIC's value in the region. Aside from this
e-mail address, you can contact me by mobile phone +47
97 523 863.

The plan is for this document to be executed on Monday
(Dec 24). Thanks for your assistance.



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--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <stoor@aep.com<
To: Lien, Thor </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EU/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=TLIEN<, lars.kristian.sande@tkgl.no, jon.ostensvig@tkgl.no, mattlandy@yahoo.com, vonbock@btopenworld.com, Shaw, Eric </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EU/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=ESHAW<
CC: lbylos@deweyballantine.com, lpszon@aep.com, dstokes@aep.com, stoor@aep.com, rmann@aep.com, nohara@aep.com, hdjones@aep.com
Date: Saturday, December 22, 2001 10:46:23 GMT

Following further discussions with Matt Landy,

Please find attached a final draft of the Business Sale Agreement, should
anyone have any material comments please call me as soon as possible to
ensure that any amendments can be made. Otherwise please treat this draft
as the final document to be approved by the both parties.

Other than the final review of the attached document by both parties there
are no other outstanding issues to resolve prior to exchanging signed
contracts on Monday.

Please call me on 07976 826 208 (UK) if you have any queries.



(See attached file: Business Sale Agreement (AEP) - Draft 21 ver 10.doc)