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FERCwatch Issued November 6, 2001 ELECTRIC / HYDRO Report: California Independent System Operator Corporation, California Electricity Oversight Board, Public Utilities Commission for the State of California, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company v. Cabrillo Power I LLC, Cabrillo Power II LLC, Duke Energy South Bay, LLC, Geysers Power Company, LLC, and Williams Energy Marketing and Trading Company, EL02-15-000 (11/2/01) -- Joint complaint requesting that the Commission institute proceedings to investigate "Fixed Option Payments" payable by the ISO under the respective Reliability Must-Run Contracts between the ISO and each of the named respondents. Complainants allege that those rates, although differing from contract to contract, exceed just and reasonable levels. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221060~46~61~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC v. New York Independent System Operator, Inc., EL02-16-000 (11/5/01) -- Complaint alleging that the NYISO acted in derogation of its tariff and Commission orders approving Temporary Extraordinary Procedure authority in (i) identifying a purported market flaw associated with bids submitted by an "Energy Limited Resource and (ii) remedying such purported market flaw by re-pricing certain hourly clearing prices in manner inconsistent with its tariff. PSEG ER&T states that the NYISO's conduct caused it financial harm in the maount of $668,000. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221247~46~218~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp., ER02-211-000 (10/31/01) -- Agreements to modify the wholesale power contracts between Vermont Yankee and the public utilities that purchase the output of its nuclear generating plant. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2220914~46~591~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ ISO New England Inc., ER02-233-000 (11/1/01) -- Revised tariff sheets updating Attachment A of the ISO's Capital Funding Tariff (CFT) to reflect the addition of the ISO's 2002 capital budget items to the contingent funding mechanism specified in the CFT. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221440~258~116~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ PJM Interconection, L.L.C., ER02-235-000 (11/1/01) -- Conforming changes and minor revisions to the PJM OATT (Tariff) and Operating Agreement (OA) to reflect all previous changes to the current versions of the Tariff and OA in the versions of that encompass both PJM and PJM West, which will take effect on January 1, 2002. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221319~258~226~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Southern California Edison Company, ER01-238-000 (11/1/01) -- Revision to SCE's Transmission Owner Tariff to reflect a change to Reliability Services Rates. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221486~258~81~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Duke Energy South Bay, LLC, ER02-239-000 (11/1/01) -- Revisions to its Reliability Must Run Service Agreement with California Independent System Operator. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221298~258~17~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Duke Energy Oakland, LLC, ER02-240-000 (11/1/01) -- Revisions to Reliability Must Run Service Agreement with California Independent System Operator. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221297~258~17~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Boston Edison Company, ER02-246-000 (11/1/01) -- Letter enclosing Market Based Tariffs and a request for waiver of the Commission's notice of filing requirements to allow the new tariffs to become effective on November 2, 2001. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ ISO New England Inc., ER02-249-000 (11/01/01) -- Revised tariff sheets to the ISO's Tariff for Transmission Dispatch and Power Administration Services for Recovery of 2002 Administrative Costs. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ California Independent System Operator Corporation, ER02-250-000 (11/2/01) -- 2002 Grid Management Charge filing to allow the ISO to recover its administrative and operating costs, including costs incurred in establishing the ISO before operations commenced. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ NATURAL GAS / OIL Report: Plantation Pipe Line Company, OR02-1-000 (11/02/01) -- Petition for Declaratory Order regarding the lawfulness and regulatory effect of certain proposed joint rate arrangements in connection with proposed new pipeline service to Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee to be offered in connection with a newly-formed pipeline affiliate. The new pipeline affiliate would build a new 16-inch pipeline to serve the Chattanooga and Knoxville markets with an estimated capacity of 90,000 barrels/day. Plantation and the new pipeline propose to file joint tariffs for transportation service from Baton Rouge and other origins on the Plantation system to those markets. Plantation is owned jointly by Kinder Morgan and ExxonMobil. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company, RP02-34-000 (10/31/01) -- Section 4 general rate increase filing. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2221030~46~269~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Texas Eastern Transmission LP, RP02-36-000 (10/31/01) -- Annual Applicable Shrinkage Adjustment and Global Settlement Compliance filing (1) providing the final report on recovery of Order No. 636 transition costs and returning to Texas Eastern's customers the excess collection of Non-Spot Costs, by crediting the ASA Deferred Account; (2) providing the Annual Interruptible Revenue Reconciliation Report under the Amended Global Settlement which reflects a credit to the ASA Deferred Account of $207,462; (3) reducing by approximately 30% the level of Texas Eastern's ASA Aurcharges included in rates pursuant to an Interim ASA filing accepted by Commission orders issued May 25, 2001 and October 15, 2001; and (4) reflecting minor changes in Texas Eastern's ASA percentages. VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.fed.us/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2220922~46~153~1~50< REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Texas Eastern Transmission LP, RP02-37-000 (10/31/01) -- Filing in compliance with the Phase II/PCBs settlement in RP88-67, et al. to reflect an increase in the PCB-Related Cost component of Texas Eastern's currently effective rates. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ [To request a copy of any of the above listed filings, please call 202-210-4771 or toll-free, 1-877-544-4771; or send an e-mail to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<)] GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists. Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers, new rate filings, major rate changes, and certificate filings. GRS can provide hardcopies of any of the above listed items at nominal charges; for document requests or estimates of charges, please reply to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202.210.4771 (toll free, 1.877.544.4771). For an e-mailed copy of a brochure of GRS services and rates for FERC and other federal agency research please e-mail your request to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<. For a mailed copy, please include your name, firm name and street address. For a faxed copy, please include your fax number. The FERCwatch subscription list is used for the sole purpose of providing information on FERC and energy industry activity and will not be sold or otherwise distributed to any other business or organization. For additions or removal from the FERCwatch notification list, please reply to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<. Send suggestions on how the GRS' FERCwatch can better serve the energy community to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<.