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FERCwatch Issued December 31, 2001 ELECTRIC / HYDRO Report: Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., EC02-38-000 (12/26/01) -- Section 203 filing to transfer operational control over Montana-Dakota's jurisdictional transmission facilities to the Midwest ISO, effective February 1, 2002. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ New York Independent System Operator, Inc., ER02-617-000 (12/27/01) -- Filing of Amended Rate Schedule 2 for Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff, modifying the methodology for calculating the annual payments made to qualified suppliers of Voltage Support Service. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ NewCorp Resources Electric Cooperative, Inc., ER02-623-000 (12/27/01) -- Revised and Amended Tariff for Electric Service providing wholesale full requirements service under Rate Schedule WP to unbundle the transmission service function from the power sales function for NewCorp's all requirements customer, Cap Rock Electric Cooperative, Inc. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ San Diego Gas & Electric Company, ER02-635-000 (12/28/01) -- Revisions to Transmission Owner Tariff for a change in rates for the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment and the Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Southern California Edison Company, ER02-636-000 (12/28/01) -- Annual update filng of the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment and the Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment in SoCal Edison's Transmission Owner Tariff. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, ER02-637-000 (12/28/01) -- Compliance filing submitting (1) a change to the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment in PG&E's Transmission Owners Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 5, (2) the annual change in Reliability Services rates under Reliability Services Tariff, Original Volume No. 10 and associated revision to the TO Tariff, and (3) a change to the Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment in the TO Tariff. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ NATURAL GAS / OIL Report: Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, RP02-131-000 (12/27/01) -- Tariff revisions TETCO's Electric Power Cost Adjustment to be effective February 1, 2002. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Viking Gas Transmission Company, RP02-132-000 (12/28/01) -- Section 4 filing to revise Viking's rates for jurisdictional services to reflect current and projected costs and changes in demand on Viking's system. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ [To request a copy of any of the above listed filings, please call 202-210-4771; or send an e-mail to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<)] GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists. Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers, new rate filings, major rate changes, and certificate filings. GRS can provide hardcopies of any of the above listed items at nominal charges; for document requests or estimates of charges, please reply to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net< or call 202.210.4771. For an e-mailed copy of a brochure of GRS services and rates for FERC and other federal agency research please e-mail your request to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<. For a mailed copy, please include your name, firm name and street address. For a faxed copy, please include your fax number. The FERCwatch subscription list is used for the sole purpose of providing information on FERC and energy industry activity and will not be sold or otherwise distributed to any other business or organization. For additions or removal from the FERCwatch notification list, please reply to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<. Send suggestions on how the GRS' FERCwatch can better serve the energy community to grs4ferc@starpower.net <mailto:grs4ferc@starpower.net<.