Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Eletrobolt/Cuiaba Closing Issues
Date:Thu, 1 Nov 2001 20:40:50 -0800 (PST)

For your info. I am hammering these constantly, as well as closing the LDC negotiation and selling Eletrobolt power to the government. In our discussions today with BNDES they committed to resolving the open points for Cuiaba, and to finalize the proposal for Eletrobolt generation and the LDC issues by Wednesday next week, but it is slow going.
---------------------- Forwarded by Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron on 02/11/2001 01:45 ---------------------------

"Rivera, Nancy A." <NRIVE@opic.gov< on 01/11/2001 20:41:39
To: "'Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com'" <Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com<
cc: "'brett.r.wiggs@enron.com'" <brett.r.wiggs@enron.com<, "'rdutt@enron.com'" <rdutt@enron.com<, "'jgalan@enron.com'" <jgalan@enron.com<, "'luiz.watanabe@enron.com'" <luiz.watanabe@enron.com<, "'julia.h.chin@enron.com'" <julia.h.chin@enron.com<, "Drumheller, Robert B." <rdrum@opic.gov<, "Mahaffey, Tom" <TMAHA@opic.gov<, "Greenberg, Richard" <rgreenberg@opic.gov<, "'talexander@chadbourne.com'" <talexander@chadbourne.com<, "'pfitzgerald@chadbourne.com'" <pfitzgerald@chadbourne.com<, "'gerald.harper@swec.com'" <gerald.harper@swec.com<, "'john.r.ayres@enron.com'" <john.r.ayres@enron.com<, "'Thomas Benes Felsberg Esq. (E-mail)'" <thomasfelsberg@felsberg.com.br<, "'gracapedretti@felsberg.com.br'" <gracapedretti@felsberg.com.br<, "'Carlos Boggio (E-mail)'" <carlosboggio@felsberg.com.br<

Subject: RE: Eletrobolt Closing Issues


Attached is the memo we promised that describes the major Eletrobolt pending
issues. We look forward to Enron's response and comments so we can move on
all these issues quickly and await your call. My number is 202-336-8500.

Warmest regards,

< <<Closing Memo(11-1-01).doc<<

- Closing Memo(11-1-01).doc
---------------------- Forwarded by Orlando Gonzalez/SA/Enron on 02/11/2001 01:45 ---------------------------

"Drumheller, Robert B." <rdrum@opic.gov< on 01/11/2001 10:06:57
To: "'Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com'" <Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com<, "Drumheller, Robert B." <rdrum@opic.gov<
cc: "John Novak (E-mail)" <john.novak@enron.com<, "'brett.r.wiggs@enron.com'" <brett.r.wiggs@enron.com<, "Mahaffey, Tom" <TMAHA@opic.gov<, "Greenberg, Richard" <rgreenberg@opic.gov<, "Rivera, Nancy A." <NRIVE@opic.gov<, "Boehm, Barbara" <bboeh@opic.gov<, Peter.E.Weidler@enron.com

Subject: RE: Cuiaba/Electrobolt

Sorry. I realized last night I had forgot. We can send you an OPIC
brochure with the pricing tables included but the relevant section shows
under a category called institutional loans and leases and the subheading is
expropriation cover. The range of pricing quoted is .40 to .90 annually
i.e. 40 to 90 basis points annually. OPIC typically requires the annual
premium to be paid in advance.

I will try to track down the Electrobolt points today.

Barbara Boehm Please fed ex an OPIC blue program handbook to Orlando.

-----Original Message-----
From: Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com [mailto:Orlando.Gonzalez@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:43 PM
To: Drumheller, Robert B.
Cc: Orlando Gonzalez (E-mail); John Novak (E-mail);
'brett.r.wiggs@enron.com'; Mahaffey, Tom; Greenberg, Richard; Rivera, Nancy
A.; Boehm, Barbara; Peter.E.Weidler@enron.com
Subject: Re: Cuiaba/Electrobolt

<< File: bndes letter(10-30-00)c.doc <<
Robert Thanks for the quick response. We will review with our internal
team and send you our comments in the morning. I also thought you were
sending a cost sheet with indicative pricing for similar structures.

"Drumheller, Robert B." <rdrum@opic.gov< on 31/10/2001 19:16:08

To: "Orlando Gonzalez (E-mail)" <orlando.gonzalez@enron.com<, "John Novak
(E-mail)" <john.novak@enron.com<, "'brett.r.wiggs@enron.com'"
cc: "Mahaffey, Tom" <TMAHA@opic.gov<, "Greenberg, Richard"
<rgreenberg@opic.gov<, "Rivera, Nancy A." <NRIVE@opic.gov<, "Boehm,
Barbara" <bboeh@opic.gov<

Subject: Cuiaba/Electrobolt


Attached is a first draft of the BNDES letter for your input. We have not
reviewed it with KfW as I understand they may wish to maintain a passive
role in this for now. We will keep them posted.

The list for Electrobolt is still in preparation and will be sent out
tomorrow AM our time.



<<bndes letter(10-30-00)c.doc<<

(See attached file: bndes letter(10-30-00)c.doc)

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