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The spot was terrific and exhibited high professionalism. We were the main=
feature and Judi was great. Thank you Judi for telling the "great" storie= s--and in sound bites! A clip of Laura Bush with a voice-over telling abou= t her involvement with the Dallas room and the growth to 84 rooms in the St= ate followed. Next, the two newscasters introduced their own bears they we= re donating to BEAR and offered viewers the opportunity to phone their stat= ion's special number (and Lori got three calls, too, within minutes of the = airing) or to log onto Good News.com for more info from Channel 2. Next,th= e children from St. John's school were featured as they entered the museum = holding their donated bears high (no school uniforms could be seen). The S= JS students were then featured sitting in rows at the IMAX and the voice-o= ver explained the "deal" at the Museum of Natural Science. I was thoroughl= y pleased and know Judy Hay will obtain multiple copies of the show for us!= =20 =20 Judy, let me know if I can get a tape and make copies when I am over at Mu= rworth seeing George next Thursday/Friday. Have a great weekend, all. (An= d the Director search has not produced the perfect candidate this week.) L= inda Hunsaker ----- Original Message -----=20 From: BEARBennett1@aol.com <mailto:BEARBennett1@aol.com<=20 To: Jdavis7@aol.com <mailto:Jdavis7@aol.com< ; joan@khoslas.com <mailto:joa= n@khoslas.com< ; plyall@swbell.net <mailto:plyall@swbell.net< ; AnnieS420@a= ol.com <mailto:AnnieS420@aol.com< ; LNSwanson@aol.com <mailto:LNSwanson@aol= .com< ; deanfamily@pdq.net <mailto:deanfamily@pdq.net< ; CAnnSteele@aol.com= <mailto:CAnnSteele@aol.com< ; kstrange@insync.net <mailto:kstrange@insync.= net< ; ccm429@compuserve.com <mailto:ccm429@compuserve.com< ; hwmorgan@miru= s-its.com <mailto:hwmorgan@mirus-its.com< ; imogen@papadopoulos.com <mailto= :imogen@papadopoulos.com< ; srobinson@houston.rr.us <mailto:srobinson@houst= on.rr.us< ; hayja@tdprs.state.tx.us <mailto:hayja@tdprs.state.tx.us< ; mark= .e.haedicke@enron.com <mailto:mark.e.haedicke@enron.com< ; heroldjm@tdprs.s= tate.tx.us <mailto:heroldjm@tdprs.state.tx.us< ; mclaugjs@tdprs.state.tx.us= <mailto:mclaugjs@tdprs.state.tx.us< ; mackpenny@tdprs.state.tx.us <mailto:= mackpenny@tdprs.state.tx.us< ; george_ford@co.harris.tx.us <mailto:george_f= ord@co.harris.tx.us< ; ann_hibbert@co.harris.tx.us <mailto:ann_hibbert@co.h= arris.tx.us< ; ccrawford@williamsonsears.com <mailto:ccrawford@williamsonse= ars.com< ; joanne.pinkett@childadvocates.org <mailto:joanne.pinkett@childad= vocates.org<=20 Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 6:25 PM Subject: TV Spot on BEAR Hello Everyone,=20 I just wanted to let you know that there will be a TV spot on Channel 2 tom= orrow, Friday, November 9th at 4:00 p.m. It is about the Museum of Natural= Science, their Bear movie and their involvement with BEAR during the mont= hs of November and December.=20 Lori=20