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Information Security World E-NEWS
http://www.informationsecurityworld.com Tuesday 30th October 2001 Welcome to Information Security World e-news. We advise our readers that your weekly e-news will now be delivered on Tuesday. This week, we feature our exclusive streamed interview with David Ticoll, Chief Strategist Itemus. Mr Ticoll discusses how organisations can reduce costs and innovate during the economic downturn. To view, go to: http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/ArchTV.asp?CID=16 Eva Iles, Editor Online Communications mailto:eva.iles@terrapinn.com ***SPOTLIGHT*** XP 'SECURE' REGISTRATION PROCESS ALREADY THWARTED Crackers have already thwarted Microsoft XP's registration process for Windows XP according to British security company Bit Arts Labs. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9506&TCode=NW ***INDUSTRY NEWS*** WORM WARNING: DO NOT RUN ANTS 3.0 E-MAIL A new worm is arriving by e-mail disguised as a helpful trojan clean-up tool. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9505&TCode=NW POORLY CONFIGURED ROUTERS MEAN SURGE IN D-DOS Carnegie Mellon University has released a report, which says the widespread use of poorly configured routers has opened the door to an 'imminent' spate of attacks that could slow Internet traffic. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9423&TCode=NW TERRORISM LAWS TIGHTEN AT THE EXPENSE OF PRIVACY The US senate has approved legislation expanding the authority of federal investigators to monitor the Internet and phone activities of suspected terrorists, and President Bush intends to sign. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9427&TCode=NW XP DATA SCRUBBER CAUSES SECURITY AND PRIVACY CONCERN Computer forensics experts are embroiled in a debate with security experts about whether default security features in Windows XP - designed to completely remove data from a computer - are a threat. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9393&TCode=NW BIN LADEN 'TOAL' MASS-MAILING WORM WARNING A new mass-mailing worm uses peoples' interest in Osama bin Laden to encourage people to open a malicious attachment, which will propagate to other systems and create a 'back door' on infected systems. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9408&TCode=NW COMPAQ PERFORMANCE RESULTS REFLECT TOUGH TIMES Compaq has reported a huge loss in the third quarter and predicts a difficult fourth quarter ahead. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9371&TCode=NW VISA TEAMS WITH CYBERSOURCE FOR FRAUD DATABASE Visa USA and CyberSource Corporation have announced the CyberSource Advanced Screen Enhanced by Visa, which they claim is the industry's most comprehensive fraud-detection service for dot coms. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9316&TCode=NW ***VIRUS ALERTS*** W.32Nimda.E@mm http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9514&TCode=NW W32.Klez.A@mm http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9516&TCode=NW W32.ElKern.3326 http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9517&TCode=NW W32.Anset.Worm http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/article.asp?CID=16&AID=9518&TCode=NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***POLL*** Online or Bio terrorism: what's more likely? Vote now! http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/Tmpl/ArchPolls.asp?CID=16 Our latest poll has been running for a week, and so far the results have been close. Next week we will deliver the results of the poll, and bring a new issue to vote on. To suggest a poll question, please contact us - we'd love to hear from you! ***PORTAL DISCUSSION*** Our current topic is 'Back door laws: will they work?' One reader has stated: "This is and always will be a bad idea. Commerce needs the strongest possible encryption that is practical. Limiting encryption strength and putting in back doors is bad for business. With more and more commerce happening on the Internet, the only way forward is strong encryption and user authentication." Speak up - or else you will never be heard! http://www.isecworldwide.com/Tmpl/discussion.asp?CID=16&DID=58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPCOMING INFORMATION SECURITY WORLD EVENTS: ASIA 2002: 16-18 April 2002, Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre Interested in the dynamic growth of the information security sector in Asia? Be at Information Security World Asia 2002, Asia's dedicated event to information security. Information Security World Asia 2002 is a veritable showcase of leading technologies such as PKI, firewalls, intrusion detection, access control, VPNS, authentication, identification, anti virus, biometrics and so much more. In addition, don't miss the high level conference with focused presentations on compelling IT issues. http://www.informationsecurityworld.com/isec_asia2002/ LATIN AMERICA: 19-21ST June 2002, Mexico The Information Security World technology exhibition is in a class of its own in Mexico. No other event can compete in size or degree of relevance to the information security industry. Information Security World Mexico has become recognised amongst both the dominant and niche players from the IT, telecommunications and smart card industries as one of the most cost-effective tools for reaching a very high-calibre audience. http://www.isec-worldwide.com/isec_mexico2002/ingles/page1.htm SYDNEY: 19-21ST August 2002, Darling Harbour, Sydney Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre Information Security World Australasia is the region's only dedicated IT Security show that provides you with a proven, scalable and reliable marketing platform. The conference and exhibition delivers the professionals you want to meet - from senior decision-makers with purchasing power to the technical end users with influence. More sales, more profile, more market penetration! Call Chris Rodrigues on +61 2 9210 5756 or mailto:chris.rodrigues@terrapinn.com or visit http://www.isec-worldwide.com/isw_aus_2002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please forward any comments, queries or submissions to mailto:informationsecurityworld@terrapinn.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSOR THIS E-NEWSLETTER and ensure that your message gets into your target market's email box. 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