Enron Mail

To:cannsteele@aol.com, annies420@aol.com, paula@clearsail.net,crawfordtx@aol.com, dominion@hern.org, george_ford@co.harris.tx.us, mhaedic@ect.enron.com, hayja@tdprs.state.tx.us, heroldjm@tdprs.state.tx.us, ann_hibbert@co.harris.tx.us, deanfamily@pdq.ne
Subject:BEAR planning meeting
Date:Wed, 18 Apr 2001 02:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hello All,

Sherry Robinson has been in contact with Joe Synan regarding this summer's
strategic planning meeting.? Joe has given us two dates that he can meet with
us.? They are Saturday August 25, 2001 and Saturday September 8, 2001.? This
years meeting will be half day.

Please contact me via email or by phone ASAP with which date will work best
for you.? I will contact everyone as soon as the date is set.

Thank you,


713-940-3087, nicholechristoph@yahoo.com

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