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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: "Laxmi Mrig" <lmrig@qwest.net< X-To: "Undisclosed-Recipient" << X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mark_Haedicke_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox X-Origin: HAEDICKE-M X-FileName: mhaedic.nsf Electricity Risk Management 101 Workshop, and Portfolio Valuation and=20 Optimization Conference June 19-22, 2001, Washington, D.C. ?Overview In the current environment of volatile energy prices and deregulation, it= =20 has become increasingly more important for the electricity industry to lea= rn=20 how to manage price risk. EUCI presents a two part Workshop/Conference=20 formatted for the beginner to expert in price risk management. The first= =20 Workshop is designed for the beginner with no prior experience in risk=20 management and introduces the basic vocabulary and concepts in a concise a= nd=20 easily understandable format which forms the foundation for the more=20 advanced concepts applied in the Conference. To view the details for these events, please visit: Electricity Risk Management 101 Workshop =20 http://www.euci.com/Conferences/ermjun01.htm Portfolio Valuation and Optimization?Conference http://www.euci.com/Conferences/pvojun01.htm ?List of Other Upcoming Events Short Courses Engineering and Planning for Aging T&D Infrastructures , June 20-22,=20 Washington, D.C..??? =20 ??????????? http://www.euci.com/Conferences/eapjun01.htm What Generation Developers Need to Know About Transmission , June 20-22,= =20 Washington, D.C. http://www.euci.com/Conferences/wgdjun01.htm ?Distributed Generation Conference/Workshops=20 Distributed Generation =01) Basics of Evaluation and Selection, August 7, = 2001.=20 Denver, Colorado. http://www.euci.com/Conferences/dgbaug01.htm ?Distributed Generation Conference, August 8-9, 2001. Denver, Colorado. http://www.euci.com/Conferences/dgcaug01.htm ?Distributed Generation Power Quality Solutions, August 10, 2001. Denver,= =20 Colorado. http://www.euci.com/Conferences/dgpaug01.htm ?Distributed Generation Interconnection Challenges, August 10, 2001. Denve= r,=20 Colorado. http://www.euci.com/Conferences/dgiaug01.htm After you click any of these event titles, you will see links for program= =20 agenda, registration information, and online registration on the right han= d=20 column. Depending upon your browser and monitor, you may need to maximize= =20 the page to see these links. ?We have just published conference proceedings on recently held Ancillary= =20 Services Conference and associated pre-and post conference Workshops. The= =20 table of contents for these can be seen by clicking to our proceedings pag= e=20 http://www.euci.com/proceedings.htm If you are searching? for a job or would like to post a job in the electr= ic=20 utility industry, please visit www.UtilityHQ.com Kindly forward this announcement to your colleagues who might benefit from= =20 attending these conferences/workshops/courses. Best Regards, L. Mrig Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI) 5555 Preserve Drive Greenwood Village CO 80121 (303) 770-8800 Lmrig@euci.com Send us a note if you do not wish to receive these announcements. ? ? ?