Enron Mail

To:kbailey2@exchange.ml.com, douglas.bongartz-renaud@nl.abnamro.com,s@enron.com, sebastien.cahen@socgen.com, jerry.delmissier@barclayscapital.com, genova_diane@jpmorgan.com, mhaedic@ect.enron.com, jhb1@bancosantander.es, gjames@ms.com, damian.kissane@d
Subject:European Accounting and Disclosure Committee
Date:Tue, 5 Dec 2000 02:53:00 -0800 (PST)

With reference to the attached Memorandum from Katia D'Hulster, could you
please let us have your response as soon as possible. The deadline for the
board memo assigning a person for this Committee was December 1st.

Many thanks
Christine Whitehead

<<board members - european accounting and disclosure cttee.doc<<

- board members - european accounting and disclosure cttee.doc