Enron Mail

To:peter.weidler@enron.com, john.novak@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com,richard.sanders@enron.com, bruce.lundstrom@enron.com, rob.walls@enron.com
Subject:FW: Argentina Stamp Tax/Attorney Client Privilege
Date:Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:53:00 -0800 (PST)

FYI--our local counsel's view on Domingo Cavallo (the third Minister of=20
Economy in a month) as it relates to stamp tax. There are 3 articles on him=
in Wednesday's FT. Sounds like we have friends in high places. Pete do yo=
know Carlos Bastos? =20

By the way, in talking with Gonzalo Flores at the World Bank, it looks like=
our claim before the International Center for the Settlement of Investment=
Disputes (ICSID) could be registered on Friday. Recall that ICSID is the=
only arbitration forum in the world where a claimant must meet numerous=20
jurisdictional and standing requirements under the ICSID Convention and the=
BIT to be "registered." It's not a slam dunk especially since TGS has file=
claims in the local court, so if registration is granted Friday, we'll have=
cleared the first hurdle. Call me if you have questions. 56159
-----Original Message-----
From: Guido Tawil <GT@bomchil.com.ar<@ENRON =20
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 4:42 PM
To: Blaine, Michelle; Guido Tawil
Cc: "\"Kellie Meiman\" <kmeiman (E-mail)"@ENRON; dbishop@kslaw.com
Subject: RE: PPP/PFI Law

Dear Michelle,=20
Cavallo is supposed to make public his so promoted bill today or tomorrow. =
don=01%t know much about it yet. He said that he will be trying to abolish =
tax in the provinces but we will have to see what happens.
Please take into account that the new Ministry of Infrastructure (Carlos=20
Bastos) and former Secretary of Energy during Cavallo=01%s previous period =
is a=20
very close friend of Enron, former advisor of your company and it seems all=
the energy matters will depend on him.
Although Cavallo has gathered positive reactions, the situation is extremel=
difficult and it=01%s not clear that he will get the needed support from ot=
parties (and even from the radical party)
I think we will have to wait a little bit before trying to contact him or h=
Best regards,=20
Guido Santiago Tawil=20
M. & M. Bomchil=20
Suipacha 268, piso 12=20
(C1008AAF) Buenos Aires=20
Tel (54 11) 4321 7500=20
Fax (54 11) 4321 7555=20
E-mail gt@bomchil.com.ar=20
-----Mensaje original-----=20
De: Blaine, Michelle [mailto:Michelle.Blaine@ENRON.com]=20
Enviado el: Mi,rcoles, 21 de Marzo de 2001 03:09 p.m.=20
Para: Guido Santiago Tawil(eMail) (E-mail)=20
CC: "Kellie Meiman" <kmeiman (E-mail); dbishop@kslaw.com=20
Asunto: PPP/PFI Law=20
Guido I have an article from Freshfield's about a new law the Argentine=20
Congress is considering to attract foreign investment, intended to=20
promote private sectoir participation in infrastructure development. It=20
also states that "it is also anticipated that several Argentine=20
provinces will enact their own legislation to facilitate projects within=20
their jurisdiction." What do you know about it? =20
What is everyone's pulse on Cavallo? There are three articles about him=20
today in the Financial Times. Any thoughts on how this will impact our=20
stamp tax case? Any chance we can get in to see him?