Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Restructuring Meeting
Date:Tue, 7 Nov 2000 03:59:00 -0800 (PST)

The following notice was sent to a ISDA documentation task force.
The issue to be discussed may be of interest to each of you and we encourage
your attendance.
< We have arranged for meetings of the Credit Derivatives Documentation Task
< Force to take place simultaneously in New York and London on Monday,
< November 13, at 9:30 NY time/2:30 London time. The New York meeting will
< take place at the offices of Chase Manhattan Bank, 270 Park Avenue, 11th
< Floor, Room C. The London meeting will take place at the offices of Morgan
< Stanley Dean Witter, 20 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London E14. Please
< RSVP to Barbara Hanlon at bhanlon@isda.org indicating at which location
< you will be attending.
< At each meeting, I will arrange for several individuals to present their
< view on the Restructuring issue. There will then be an opportunity in each
< meeting to ask questions of those individuals and for more general
< discussion. We will then link the London and New York meetings by
< telephone to share views between the meetings.
< This distribution list is drawn from participants in the documentation
< process. The Restructuring issue, while focused on a term in the
< documentation, is nevertheless one of market practice and not really one
< of documentation. We, therefore, encourage you to ensure that the views of
< your trading desk are expressed at the meeting, preferably by having
< someone from the desk at the meeting. We expect a large number of people
< at the meetings, however, so we also encourage you to consider who from
< your institution is most critical to be in attendance to ensure that your
< views are heard.
< We look forward to hearing from you on the 13th.
< Bob Pickel
< Mr. Robert Pickel
< General Counsel
< International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.
< 600 Fifth Avenue, 27th Floor
< Rockefeller Center
< New York, New York 10020-2302
< Phone: (212) 332-1200
< Fax: (212) 332-1212
< http://www.isda.org