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FERCwatch? ?June 11,?2001 ? FERC Agenda for Wednesday, June 13, 2001 ? To review the?official posted?agenda?in html go to: COMMISSION AGENDA (If you retrieve the agenda for the previous meeting, you must first delete previously viewed pages?in your internet browser) ? GRS DRAFT ORDER SUBSCRIBERS:? PLEASE SUBMIT DRAFT ORDER REQUESTS (FAX or E-MAIL) BY 6 P.M. TUESDAY,?June 12TH. ? Reply by inserting?the appropriate letter designation?in the Request Copy column (D for Regular or Overnight Delivery,?R for Rush Delivery, or F for Fax).? Please include your internal reference numbers in the Client Charge/Billing No. column.? (If your e-mail program does not allow you to view this transmission in a table format and you would like a copy sent to you as a Word or?WordPerfect attachment, or faxed to you, please reply to grs4ferc@starpower.net. DRAFT ORDER REQUESTS JUNE 13, 2001 (fax to 202-318-4524 or e-mail to grs4ferc@starpower.net by 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, 2001) ? ? Item No. ? Docket Nos. ? Company Name Request Copy D - Deliver R - Rush F - Fax ? Client Charge/ Billing No. CAE-1 ER01-1810-000 Ameren Energy Marketing Company ? ? CAE-2 OMITTED ? ? ? CAE-3 ER01-1229-000 ER01-1229-001 Valley Electric Association, Inc. ? ? CAE-4 ER01-1866-000 ER01-1593-000 ER01-1593-001 Entergy Services, Inc. ? ? CAE-5 ER01-1718-000 ER00-2998-001 ER00-2999-001 ER00-3000-001 ER00-3001-001 ER01-1718-001 Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc.? Southern Company Services, Inc. ? ? CAE-6 ER01-2076-000 New York Independent System Operator ? ? CAE-7 ER00-3591-006 ER00-1969-007 New York Independent System Operator ? ? CAE-8 ER01-200-000 ER01-200-001 Cincergy Services, Inc. ? ? CAE-9 ER01-1306-000 Cargill-Alliant, Inc. ? ? CAE-10 EC96-19-055 ER96-1663-058 California Independent System Operator Corporation ? ? CAE-11 OMITTED ? ? ? CAE-12 ER00-1843-001 New York Independent System Operator ? ? CAE-13 EC01-91-000 PacifiCorp ? ? CAE-14 EC01-63-000 EL01-56-000 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc. and National Grid USA ? ? CAE-15 OMITTED ? ? ? CAE-16 TX00-1-001 ER00-896-001 US Dept. of Energy - Western Area Power Administration, Colorado River Storage Project Management Center Public Service Company of New Mexico ? ? CAE-17 OA96-81-001 Indianapolis Power & Light Company ? ? CAE-18 ER98-1106-001 New England Power Company, et al. ? ? CAE-19 ER99-1142-006 ER99-2892-001 New England Power Pool ? ? CAE-20 EL00-45-001 Wisconsin Public Power, Inc. v. Wisconsin Power and Light Company and Alliant Energy, Inc. ? ? CAE-21 OA96-194-007 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation ? ? CAE-22 ER00-3316-001 American Transmission Company, LLC ? ? CAE-23 RT01-67-002 GridFlorida LLC, Florida Power & Light Company, Florida Power Corporation and Tampa Electric Company ? ? CAE-24 OA01-5-000 Citizens Communications Company ? ? CAE-25 OMITTED ? ? ? CAE-26 EL01-69-000 FirstEnergy Operating Companies and American Transmission Systems, Inc. ? ? CAE-27 EL01-59-000 EC01-110-000 TransEnergie U.S. Ltd. And Cross Sound Cable Company, LLC ? ? CAE-28 EL01-51, et al. ER01-1649, et al. Detroit Edison Company ? ? CAE-29 EL01-78-000 LG&E Energy Marketing, Inc. ? ? CAE-30 OA97-24-005, et al. Central Power and Light Company, West Texas Utilities Company, Southwestern Electric Power Company and Public Service Company of Oklahoma ? ? CAE-31 ER01-1847-000, et al. Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Southern Company Services, Inc. ? ? CAE-32 OMITTED ? ? ? CAE-33 EL00-62-004, et al. ISO New England, Inc. and New England Power Pool ? ? CAE-34 ER98-3853-005 New England Power Pool ? ? CAG-1 RP01-416-000 Northwest Pipeline Corporation ? ? CAG-2 OMITTED ? ? ? CAG-3 RP01-423-000 Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation ? ? CAG-4 RP01-419-000 TransColorado Gas Transmission Company ? ? CAG-5 PR01-5-000 Magic Valley Pipeline, L.P. ? ? CAG-6 PR01-8 Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation ? ? CAG-7 RP01-93-000 Kern River Gas Transmission Company ? ? CAG-8 PR00-9-000 EPGT Texas Pipeline, L.P. ? ? CAG-9 RP95-408-040 Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation ? ? CAG-10 RP00-223-004 Northern Natural Gas Company ? ? CAG-11 OMITTED ? ? ? CAG-12 RP01-278-001 Texas Gas Transmission Corp. ? ? CAG-13 RP95-197-040 RP97-71-028 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. ? ? CAG-14 MG00-6-007 MG00-6-008 Dominion Transmission, Inc. ? ? CAG-15 OR00-3-000 OR95-9-000 Colonial Pipeline Company ? ? CAH-1 P-2436-139 Consumers Energy Company ? ? CAH-2 P-6879-027???????? P-6879-026 Southeastern Hydro-Power, Inc. ? ? CAH-3 OMITTED ? ? ? CAH-4 P-5-045 PPL Montana, LLC, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation ? ? CAC-1 CP00-68-000 CP00-68-001 Questar Pipeline Company ? ? CAC-2 CP98-131-004 Vector Pipeline L.P. ? ? CAC-3 CP01-179-000 ?Georgia Straight Crossing Pipeline LP ? ? CAC-4 CP96-206-001 CP96-207-001 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. Williams Gas Processing - Gulf Coast Co. ? ? CAC-5 CP01-66-000 Egan Hub Partners, L.P. ? ? CAC-6 CP00-48-003 CP00-48-004 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company ? ? H-1 RESERVED ? ? ? C-1 RESERVED ? ? ? E-1 RESERVED ? ? ? G-1 RESERVED ? ? ? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists.? Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of?major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers,?new rate filings, major?rate changes, and certificate filings. ? GRS can provide hardcopies?of any of the above listed items at nominal charges;?for document requests or estimates of charges, please reply to?grs4ferc@starpower.net?or call 202.255.4771 (toll free, 1.877.544.4771). ? For an e-mailed?copy of?a brochure?of GRS services and rates for FERC and other federal agency research please e-mail your request to grs4ferc@starpower.net.? For a mailed copy, please include your name, firm name and street address.? For?a faxed copy, please include your fax number. ? The FERCwatch subscription list is used for the sole purpose of providing information on FERC and energy industry activity and will not be sold or otherwise distributed to any other business or organization.? For additions or removal from the FERCwatch notification list, please reply to?grs4ferc@starpower.net. ? Send suggestions on how the GRS' FERCwatch can better serve the?energy community to?grs4ferc@starpower.net.