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Enron Mail |
Lisa J. Mellencamp
Enron North America Corp. - Legal 1400 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002 Tel: (713) 853-7986 Fax: (713) 646-3393 E-mail: Lisa.Mellencamp@enron.com ----- Forwarded by Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT on 05/20/2001 11:11 AM ----- AMarks@milbank.com 05/18/2001 06:54 PM To: PAronzon@milbank.com, DCain@milbank.com, DCreed@milbank.com, MDayen@milbank.com, SDemeo@milbank.com, MDiamond@milbank.com, EFeo@milbank.com, ygonzales@milbank.com, CGooding@milbank.com, SKramer@milbank.com, TKreller@milbank.com, AMarks@milbank.com, KMcspadden@milbank.com, VMoody@milbank.com, RMoore@milbank.com, PNaegely@milbank.com, FNeufeld@milbank.com, LOliveira@milbank.com, JSchwarz@milbank.com, MSorochinsky@milbank.com, CUrquhart@milbank.com, awirum@pillsburywinthrop.com, fallon_annamarie@jpmorgan.com, alafaire@exchange.ml.com, byoung@llgm.com, bgreene2@mail.state.tn.us, bholman@whitecase.com, bkrakauer@sidley.com, fishbcr@whitecase.com, ceklund@llgm.com, clara.strand@bankofamerica.com, dan.faltermeier@dynegy.com, david.adante@davey.com, dnelsen@gwfpower.com, elizabeth.h.baird@bankofamerica.com, lengel@brobeck.com, gbush@bankofny.com, grant_kolling@city.palo-alto.ca.us, gbaer@pillsburywinthrop.com, jostevenson@bankofny.com, jlhuemoe@llgm.com, jwhite@brobeck.com, jbloom@whitecase.com, jpiassick@kilpatrickstockton.com, john.c.herbert@dynegy.com, jklauber@llgm.com, jeisenberg@exchange.ml.com, juhase_kathleen@jpmorgan.com, kcoleman@gibsondunn.com, ksmith@deltapower.com, krussak@pillsburywinthrop.com, lisa.mellencamp@enron.com, michael.tribolet@enron.com, mlurie@exchange.ml.com, mahrens@smrh.com, mhindus@pillsburywinthrop.com, nmillard@whitecase.com, toth_norma@jpmorgan.com, pwarden@pillsburywinthrop.com, robert_b._lynch@chase.com, rblum@thelenreid.com, rkampfner@brobeck.com, srahman@deltapower.com, tponsford@smrh.com, tpatters@sidley.com, tmilne@mail.state.tn.us, wevanoff@sidley.com, allison.m.young@us.pwcglobal.com, gerald.keenan@us.pwcglobal.com, james.drzemiecki@us.pwcglobal.com, jwilson@saybrook.net, jschotz@saybrook.net, jrosenthal@saybrook.net, jthomas@saybrook.net, freddie.reiss@us.pwcglobal.com, margery.a.neis@us.pwcglobal.com, michael.hamilton@us.pwcglobal.com, mjhamilt@bellatlantic.net, rocky.ho@us.pwcglobal.com, tom.lumsden@us.pwcglobal.com, bliden@rogersassoc.com, ccarter@rogersassoc.com, daney@rogersassoc.com, mklink@rogersassoc.com, rrogers@rogersassoc.com, sfischer-holmes@rogersassoc.com cc: Subject: Judge's Ruling against Ratepayers Committee There will be no Official Committee of Ratepayers in the PG&E bankruptcy case.? Judge Montali issued his order today granting PG&E's motion (in which our Creditors Committee joined), vacating the appointment of the Ratepayers Committee.? The Judge ruled that the Bankruptcy Code does not grant the ratepayers standing as they are not creditors of PG&E, and that there is no statutory authority on which an official ratepayers' committee could be based.? The State Attorney General is capable of addressing consumers' interests in the bankruptcy case.? Individual ratepayers are always free to seek to intervene later on particular issues in which they have an interest.? The Judge made clear that "having an interest in a result (as all ratepayers do) does not rise to the level of having a claim as defined by the Bankruptcy Code."? He noted that "the Bankruptcy Code, and the bankruptcy court, were designed to resolve debtor-creditor problems; state agencies are where issues such as rates for electricity are handled....[T]he estate...should not be burdened with matters likely to be resolved elsewhere."? The ratepayers can take their issues to the CPUC or another forum where regulatory issues are heard. Please call us should you have any questions. Regards, Allan ______________________________ Allan T. Marks Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP email:? amarks@milbank.com website:? www.milbank.com? (213) 892-4376 (L.A. telephone) (212) 530-5312 (N.Y. telephone) (213) 892-4739 (L.A. direct fax) (213) 629-5063 (L.A. main fax)???????????????? <<...<< ? <<RatepayersCommMem5-18.pdf<< This e-mail message may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this message to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message from your computer. - RatepayersCommMem5-18.pdf