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If you cannot read today's e-Journal, please visit this link:?=20
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[IMAGE] Ad 1 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The e-Journal is available to members of the State Bar of Michigan at no=20 additional charge thanks in part to the generous support of our advertisers= .=20 Please be sure to support these State Bar partners and visit their Internet= =20 sites frequently for information about their products and services.=09?=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09[IMAGE] =09=09 =09=09 =09=09State Bar of Michigan e-Journal for Thursday, December 14, 2000 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09?qlink =09=09?Use our specifically designed hypertext links --Quicklinks--to jump = to the=20 desired area of today's e-Journal =09=09 =09=09 =09=09?cases =09=09Cases affecting the following practice areas are summarized in today'= s=20 e-Journal:=20 =09=09 =09=09Administrative Law=20 =09=09Constitutional Law=20 =09=09Contracts=20 =09=09Family Law=20 =09=09Insurance=20 =09=09Litigation=20 =09=09Malpractice=20 =09=09Negligence & Intentional Tort=20 =09=09Real Property=20 =09=09 =09=09Special Notes: Due to adverse weather conditions, there was no e-Jour= nal for=20 Wednesday, December 13, 2000. ? Today's e-Journal contains summaries of thr= ee=20 Court of Appeals published opinions and one Supreme Court Order in the=20 following practice areas: Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Insurance= ,=20 Litigation, and Malpractice.=20 =09=09?classified =09=09Listings in the following areas are in today's Classified Section: ?= =20 =09=09 =09=09Confidential Records Destruction=20 =09=09Expert Witness=20 =09=09Lawsuit Financing=20 =09=09Legal Research=20 =09=09Positions Available=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09?editorial =09=09Other editorial included in today's edition:=20 =09=09 =09=09Amendments of Rule 3.218 of the Michigan Court Rules=20 =09=09Proposed Amendment of Rule 1.201 of the Michigan Court Rules=20 =09=09Proposed Amendment of Rule 6.502 of the Michigan Court Rules=20 =09=09NOTICE:=20 =09=09The January 20 meeting of the Representative Assembly has been resche= duled to=20 February 10, 2000. The meeting will be held at the Marriott in East Lansing= =20 at 10 a.m.=20 =09=09Janet Welch to Serve as State Bar General Counsel=20 =09=09Law Firm Makes $25,000 Corporate Donation to Access to Justice Fund= =20 =09=09Erwin Ellmann to Receive Distinguished Service Award from State Bar L= abor and=20 Employment Law Section=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09?fieldspractice =09=09 =09=09Need to refer a case? See today's Fields of Practice Listings:=20 =09=09 =09=09ADR/Arbitration/ Mediation=20 =09=09Admiralty/Maritime & Railroad Law=20 =09=09Antitrust/ Advertising/ Trade Regulation=20 =09=09Appeals=20 =09=09Automobile Warranty Law=20 =09=09Business & Taxation=20 =09=09Employment Discrimination/ Harassment Investigations=20 =09=09Federal False Claims=20 =09=09Hospital & Medical Negligence=20 =09=09Immigration Law=20 =09=09Labor & Employment=20 =09=09Long Term Care=20 =09=09Medical Malpractice=20 =09=09Securities Law & Commercial Litigation=20 =09=09Special Education Law=20 =09=09Tax Litigation & Disputes=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09?newsandmoves =09=09 =09=09See today's News & Moves for information about your colleagues:=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Marcia M. Beach=20 =09=09Lawrence G. Campbell, James N. Candler Jr., Edgar C. Howbert, Joseph = C.=20 Marshall III, John E.S. Scott=20 =09=09David C. Coey, Joseph A. Fink, Peter S. Sheldon=20 =09=09Stephen E. Dawson, Henry M. Grix, Hanley Gurwin, Patrick J. Ledwidge,= Larry=20 Stringer=20 =09=09John P. Jacobs=20 =09=09Deborah L. Rubin=20 =09=09Stefan J. Scholl=20 =09=09Brian D. Sheridan=20 =09=09Alan H. Silverman=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09barevents? =09=09 =09=09See today's Bar Events section for news about upcoming programs and= =20 activities: =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Presentation/Discussion MRPC 8.2/Attorney Criticism of Judiciary=20 =09=09Taking and Defending Depositions=20 =09=092000 ADA & FMLA Update=20 =09=09Seminar on ADR in Courts=20 =09=09License Renewal & Appeal Issues (video replay)=20 =09=09WBA Holiday Party & Charity Benefit=20 =09=09Homeward Bound: Trust & Estate Issues in Real Estate=20 =09=09Recent Tax, Pension & Valuation Developments Seminar=20 =09=09Preparing Your Client for the New Mediation Rules=20 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09case summaries =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Administrative Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09This summary also appears under Constitutional Law =09=09 =09=09Issues: Whether the Attorney General's dual representation as the par= ty=20 appellant and as counsel for appellee-PSC constituted an impermissible=20 conflict of interest; Mootness; Standing; Conflict wall; Michigan Rules of= =20 Professional Conduct =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Published) =09=09Case Name: Attorney Gen. v. PSC =09=09e-Journal Number: 8713 =09=09Judge(s): Griffin and Talbot; Dissent - Meter =09=09 =09=09A conflict of interest arises when the Attorney General intervenes as= a party=20 in opposition to a state agency that she represents as counsel. Therefore i= n=20 this case, the Attorney General's dual role as both the party appellant and= =20 as counsel for appellee-PSC constituted an impermissible conflict of=20 interest, and the Attorney General was not exempt from the conflict of=20 interest rules by virtue of her statutory powers. The court acknowledged th= e=20 unique status of the Attorney General as a constitutional officer of the=20 state and her concomitant statutory authority to represent the state as its= =20 chief legal counsel, although the Attorney General is not immune from the= =20 rules of professional conduct. In this case, the court directed the Attorne= y=20 General to file either a stipulation for substitution of counsel for the PS= C=20 or a consent of the client for continuation of counsel after consultation= =20 regarding the conflict of interest within 21 days to remedy the conflict or= =20 the appeal would be dismissed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Constitutional Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09This summary also appears under Administrative Law =09=09 =09=09Issues: Whether the Attorney General's dual representation as the par= ty=20 appellant and as counsel for appellee-PSC constituted an impermissible=20 conflict of interest; Mootness; Standing; Conflict wall; Michigan Rules of= =20 Professional Conduct =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Published) =09=09Case Name: Attorney Gen. v. PSC =09=09e-Journal Number: 8713 =09=09Judge(s): Griffin and Talbot; Dissent - Meter =09=09 =09=09A conflict of interest arises when the Attorney General intervenes as= a party=20 in opposition to a state agency that she represents as counsel. Therefore i= n=20 this case, the Attorney General's dual role as both the party appellant and= =20 as counsel for appellee-PSC constituted an impermissible conflict of=20 interest, and the Attorney General was not exempt from the conflict of=20 interest rules by virtue of her statutory powers. The court acknowledged th= e=20 unique status of the Attorney General as a constitutional officer of the=20 state and her concomitant statutory authority to represent the state as its= =20 chief legal counsel, although the Attorney General is not immune from the= =20 rules of professional conduct. In this case, the court directed the Attorne= y=20 General to file either a stipulation for substitution of counsel for the PS= C=20 or a consent of the client for continuation of counsel after consultation= =20 regarding the conflict of interest within 21 days to remedy the conflict or= =20 the appeal would be dismissed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Contracts =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09This summary also appears under Real Property =09=09 =09=09Issues: Breach of contract; Option to purchase real property conditio= ned upon=20 acquisition of governmental approval and permits for development; Whether= =20 purchasers could unilaterally waive conditions in option agreement;=20 Applicability of Brotman v. Roelofs =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished) =09=09Case Name: Vidican v. Wright =09=09e-Journal Number: 8667 =09=09Judge(s): Per Curiam - Zahra, Hood, and McDonald =09=09 =09=09Plaintiffs could not unilaterally waive the conditions in the parties= '=20 contract granting plaintiffs an option to purchase a subdivision from=20 defendants, because the conditions requiring receipt of all necessary=20 governmental approvals and permits for development inured to the benefit of= =20 all parties. This case was distinguishable from Brotman v. Roelofs because= =20 here, defendants could only receive payment if plaintiffs were successful i= n=20 disposing of the individual subdivision lots, and the governmental permits= =20 were a necessary precondition to the sale of any lots in the eventual=20 subdivision and therefore, any payment to defendants. Where, as here, all= =20 parties benefited from the conditions and there was a continuing relationsh= ip=20 after transfer, Brotman was inapplicable. Summary disposition for defendant= s=20 was affirmed because under the clear and unambiguous conditions of the=20 parties' contract, failure to satisfy the conditions caused the option to= =20 expire. Affirmed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Family Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Issues: Termination of parental rights =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished) =09=09Case Name: In re Shirley =09=09e-Journal Number: 8672 =09=09Judge(s): Per Curiam - Cavanagh, Talbot, and Meter =09=09 =09=09The family court properly terminated respondent-mother's parental rig= hts and=20 its findings on the statutory factors were not clearly erroneous. The famil= y=20 court found that respondent failed to show sufficient consistency with her= =20 children, she had made insufficient progress with her problems, the childre= n=20 had serious problems that needed to be addressed, and respondent often miss= ed=20 or was late for visitations with the children. The family court also found= =20 that because respondent showed little intention of complying with the agenc= y=20 agreement, termination of respondent's rights was not contrary to the=20 children's best interest. Affirmed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Insurance =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Issues: Uninsured motorist coverage; Whether plaintiff's claim for un= insured=20 motorist benefits was barred by the "other owned vehicle" exclusion in the= =20 policy; Whether the term "motor vehicle" in the "other owned vehicle"=20 exclusion in the policy included motorcycles =09=09Court: Michigan Supreme Court =09=09Case Name: Wert v. Citizens Ins. Co. of Am. =09=09e-Journal Number: 8708 =09=09Judge(s): Weaver, Taylor, Corrigan, Young, Jr., and Markman; Voting t= o grant=20 leave to appeal - Cavanagh and Kelly =09=09 =09=09In lieu of granting leave to appeal, the court reversed the judgment = of the=20 Court of Appeals in this case (see e-Journal # 7193, in the 5/31/00 edition= =20 and the July 2000 Michigan Bar Journal Green Sheets edition) for the reason= s=20 stated by the dissenting judge, and remanded the case to the circuit court= =20 for further proceedings. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Litigation =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Issues: Attorney misconduct; Offer of judgment sanctions; "Interest o= f=20 justice" exception; "Unusual circumstances"; Admission of expert testimony;= =20 Qualifications of expert; Whether expert's method had gained general=20 acceptance; Harmless error; Admission of testimony that defendant's staff w= as=20 unaware of any previous falls in defendant's parking lot; Cumulative error =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Published) =09=09Case Name: Stitt v. Holland Abundant Life Fellowship =09=09e-Journal Number: 8712 =09=09Judge(s): Per Curiam - Hoekstra, Griffin, and Bandstra =09=09 =09=09Defense counsel's repeated attempts to introduce evidence relating to= the=20 illumination of plaintiffs' counsel's parking lot, despite the trial court'= s=20 having ruled the evidence inadmissible, did not warrant reversal of the tri= al=20 court judgment of no cause of action. Although plaintiffs objected to each = of=20 the instances complained of on appeal, all but one of those objections was= =20 sustained and no further relief was requested. The court could not conclude= =20 that questions of counsel which were not answered constituted misconduct=20 requiring reversal when plaintiffs neither requested that the jury be=20 instructed that questions of counsel were not evidence, nor requested a=20 mistrial. However, the award of offer of judgment sanctions against=20 plaintiffs was reversed under the "interest of justice" exception. "Unusual= =20 circumstances" existed in this case, (1) because of the unsettled nature of= =20 the law, which was changed or clarified during the course of appeals in thi= s=20 case and (2) the gamesmanship that occurred by the offer of judgment=20 defendant made after the mediation evaluation. Defendant rejected a $160,00= 0=20 mediation evaluation, then made an offer of judgment of $25,000. Affirmed i= n=20 part and reversed in part. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Malpractice =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Issues: Medical malpractice; Whether the trial court erred in refusin= g to=20 default the defendant or prevent him from presenting a defense based on the= =20 failure to follow the requirement of o 2912e that a defendant shall file an= =20 affidavit of meritorious defense; Whether the defendant's failure to file a= n=20 affidavit of meritorious defense deprived the trial court of subject matter= =20 jurisdiction =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Published) =09=09Case Name: Wilhelm v. Mustafa =09=09e-Journal Number: 8711 =09=09Judge(s): Collins, Jansen, and Zahra =09=09 =09=09Defendant's failure to timely file an affidavit of meritorious defens= e did=20 not deprive the trial court of subject matter jurisdiction and the trial=20 court did not abuse its discretion by denying plaintiff's motion seeking to= =20 sanction the defendant by entering a default or by precluding the defendant= =20 from presenting a defense. Although the requirement that a defendant file a= n=20 affidavit of meritorious defense is mandatory, the statute does not indicat= e=20 that default is the mandatory, or even appropriate, remedy where a defendan= t=20 fails to file the affidavit. Plaintiff did not raise the issue of the=20 defendant's failure to file the affidavit until the first day of trial. The= =20 trial court could have sanctioned both parties--defendant for not filing th= e=20 affidavit of meritorious defense in a timely manner, and plaintiff for not= =20 including her procedural defense in the final pretrial order. A court's=20 subject matter jurisdiction is determined only by reference to the=20 allegations in the complaint. It was apparent from the allegations in=20 plaintiff's complaint that the negligence alleged was within the class of= =20 cases with regard to which a circuit court is empowered to act. The trial= =20 court had jurisdiction, and the defendant's failure to timely file his=20 affidavit did not affect the trial court's power to hear the case. The jury= 's=20 verdict of no cause of action was affirmed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Negligence & Intentional Tort =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Issues: Premises liability; Slip and fall on an oily substance in a p= arking=20 lot; Failure to present evidence from which it may be inferred that defenda= nt=20 or defendant's employees either created or knew of the oily substance in it= s=20 parking lot; McCune v. Meijer =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished) =09=09Case Name: Leske v. Warren Dental Assocs., P.C. =09=09e-Journal Number: 8668 =09=09Judge(s): Per Curiam - Zahra, Hood, and McDonald =09=09 =09=09Summary disposition in favor of defendant-property owner was proper i= n this=20 premises liability case, because the evidence indicated that the oil spot= =20 plaintiff slipped and fell on was of the nature of a condition commonly fou= nd=20 in ordinary parking lots. Opting to allow it to naturally absorb into the= =20 asphalt was not an unreasonable response. Defendant did not, by unreasonabl= e=20 action or inaction, create a dangerous condition in the parking lot. To=20 withstand defendant's motion for summary disposition, plaintiff had to=20 establish that defendant had notice of the condition, but plaintiff present= ed=20 no direct evidence indicating how or when the oil was spilled onto the=20 parking lot. The only evidence plaintiff offered to show that defendant kne= w=20 or should have known of the oil spot was her testimony that the oil was bla= ck=20 and had spread to a diameter of two and a half feet. This was not sufficien= t=20 evidence from which one could infer that defendant had notice of the oil=20 spill. Affirmed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Real Property =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09This summary also appears under Contracts =09=09 =09=09Issues: Breach of contract; Option to purchase real property conditio= ned upon=20 acquisition of governmental approval and permits for development; Whether= =20 purchasers could unilaterally waive conditions in option agreement;=20 Applicability of Brotman v. Roelofs =09=09Court: Michigan Court of Appeals (Unpublished) =09=09Case Name: Vidican v. Wright =09=09e-Journal Number: 8667 =09=09Judge(s): Per Curiam - Zahra, Hood, and McDonald =09=09 =09=09Plaintiffs could not unilaterally waive the conditions in the parties= '=20 contract granting plaintiffs an option to purchase a subdivision from=20 defendants, because the conditions requiring receipt of all necessary=20 governmental approvals and permits for development inured to the benefit of= =20 all parties. This case was distinguishable from Brotman v. Roelofs because= =20 here, defendants could only receive payment if plaintiffs were successful i= n=20 disposing of the individual subdivision lots, and the governmental permits= =20 were a necessary precondition to the sale of any lots in the eventual=20 subdivision and therefore, any payment to defendants. Where, as here, all= =20 parties benefited from the conditions and there was a continuing relationsh= ip=20 after transfer, Brotman was inapplicable. Summary disposition for defendant= s=20 was affirmed because under the clear and unambiguous conditions of the=20 parties' contract, failure to satisfy the conditions caused the option to= =20 expire. Affirmed. =09=09 =09=09Full Text Opinion =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09fields of practice listings =09=09 =09=09 =09=09ADR/Arbitration/Mediation =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09ASHER N. TILCHIN, a member of the American College of Civil Trial Med= iators=20 and Michigan Arbitration and Mediation Association provides mediation for= =20 pre, early, and matured lawsuits. He has been a successful mediator since= =20 1991. Tilchin also provides arbitration services as a single or multi-panel= =20 arbitrator. Cases involving construction, real estate, commercial=20 transactions, and legal malpractice invited. Asher N. Tilchin, 31731=20 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 106, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, (248)855-0995 or= =20 Fax (248) 855-0850, e-mail antilchin@aol.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Admiralty/Maritime & Railroad Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09DENNIS M. O'BRYAN is a Proctor in Admiralty whose firm handles injury= and=20 death cases involving: marine (Jones Act) and railroad (FELA) employees,=20 recreational maritime accidents and car/train collisions. Millions won.=20 National practice. Referrals guaranteed. 401 S. Old Woodward, Suite 320,=20 Birmingham, MI 48009. Phone (248) 258-6262. E-mail=20 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Antitrust/Advertising/Trade Regulation =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09DAVID G. CHARDAVOYNE specializes in the regulation of business compet= ition,=20 including: antitrust law, unfair competition, and the regulation of=20 advertising, labeling, and other trade practices. Former Chairperson of Sta= te=20 Bar antitrust and trade regulation section, more than 15 years' experience = in=20 this field. Will consult regarding antitrust issues (monopolies, mergers,= =20 price fixing, exclusive dealing, tying arrangements, price discrimination,= =20 dealer termination, market allocation); premerger notice filings under=20 Hart-Scott-Rodino Act; discussions with State and Federal regulatory agenci= es=20 (FTC, Justice Department, Attorney General); compliance with laws regulatin= g=20 advertising (substantiation of claims, product labels, consumer price=20 displays); and all other matters relating to business competition. David G.= =20 Chardavoyne, 26755 La Muera Ave., Farmington Hills, MI 48334-4613, (248)=20 477-6308, e-mail =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Appeals =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09JAMES F. TROESTER, experienced in appeals to State and Federal Courts= , will=20 provide quality appellate consultation, briefing, research, and argument at= =20 reasonable cost. Contact Mr. Troester at AV rated/Primerus law firm Smith,= =20 Bovill, Fisher, Meyer & Borchard, P.C., 200 St. Andrews Road, Saginaw, MI= =20 48603; (517) 792-9641; e-mail jtroester@smithbovill.com; www.smithbovill.co= m =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Automobile Warranty Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09LIBLANG & ASSOCIATES: Specializing in "Lemon Law", UCC, Magnuson-Moss= ,=20 Odometer Fraud and Consumer Protection Act. Available for trials,=20 consultations or referrals. Cases accepted statewide. Over 17 years and 5,0= 00=20 cases. Michigan's most experienced lemon law attorneys, Dani K. Liblang and= =20 Scott J. Sinkwitts. Please call (248) 540-9270 or e-mail =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Business & Taxation =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09LAW OFFICES OF RALPH W. PEZDA. Oakland County practitioner with an LL= .M.=20 degree in taxation from New York University will assist your clients or fir= m=20 with taxation, business, interdisciplinary, and white collar criminal=20 matters. Referrals paid. 27700 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 411, Southfield, MI= =20 48034. (248) 352-5632. E-mail address: rwp@cdlcorp.com. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Employment Discrimination/Harassment Investigations =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09PROPER HANDLING of employee discrimination and harassment claims requ= ires=20 outside counsel. Selecting an attorney=20 =09=09experienced in employment litigation and the EEO investigative proces= s=20 ensures the integrity (i.e., fairness and objectivity) of the=20 =09=09internal investigation. It also avoids in-house conflict of interest= =20 problems. An independent investigative summary gives=20 =09=09management a credible basis for evaluating an employee's claims, taki= ng any=20 necessary workplace corrective action, and=20 =09=09minimizing liability exposure. Attorney Lori K. Shemka, who is also a= n=20 EEO-certified investigator, is presently accepting new=20 =09=09employment investigation assignments. (248) 568-6494 or shemka@concen= tric.net =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Federal False Claims (Qui Tam) Actions =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09HaronDAVID HARON represents whistleblowers in civil false claims acti= ons and=20 works with referring attorneys nationwide who specialize in employment law= =20 and other fields. Under the federal False Claims Act, private individuals= =20 with knowledge of fraud against federal programs can file suit on behalf of= =20 the United States and receive a substantial share of any recovery.=20 Representing such claimants, Mr. Haron has recovered millions of dollars in= =20 Medicare and Medicaid funds that had been fraudulently obtained by=20 health-care providers, primarily through abusive billing practices. To lear= n=20 more, visit his qui tam web site at www.QuiTamOnline.com or contact him=20 directly by e-mail at dharon@fsh-law.com or phone (248) 952-0400 at Frank,= =20 Stefani, Haron & Hall in Troy http://www.fsh-law.com/ =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Hospital & Medical Negligence =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09THE LAW OFFICES OF JOHN S. HONE, P.C., representing victims of hospit= al and=20 medical negligence resulting in serious injury, permanent cognitive and=20 physical disability and wrongful death. Millions won, available for=20 consultation and referral, cases accepted statewide. Phone Hone: (248)=20 888-7585; Toll Free: 888-HMO-1010; Fax: (248) 473-8895; E-mail to=20 mmhmolawsuit@aol.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Immigration Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09MARSHAL E. HYMAN & ASSOCIATES. All aspects of immigration law includi= ng=20 employment-based immigration for professionals and skilled workers. Labor= =20 certifications. Family-based immigration. Immigration from Canada. Politica= l=20 asylum, all waivers and appeals. Corporate transfers for multinational=20 employees. Representation in Immigration courts and Federal courts since=20 1981. 3250 West Big Beaver, Suite 529, Troy, MI 48084. (248) 643-0642, Fax:= =20 (248) 643-0798. E-mail: marshalhyman@msu.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Labor & Employment =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09THE LAW OFFICE of Gregory T. Gibbs has 31 years combined experience i= n=20 employment law. We can answer questions about: handbooks, sexual harassment= ,=20 wrongful discharge, discrimination, family medical leave, collective=20 bargaining, wage-hour issues or any other employment related matter under= =20 state or federal law. We work with you and your clients under referral fee= =20 arrangements. 328 S. Saginaw St., Ste. 9001, Flint, MI 48502. (810) 239-947= 0,=20 fax (810) 235-2468. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Long Term Care =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09THE HEALTH LAW DEPARTMENT of Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge specializes = in the=20 representation of Long Term Care provider facilities. Areas of representati= on=20 include pre, during and post licensing and certification surveys, plans of= =20 correction, informal deficiency dispute resolution process, state and feder= al=20 appeals, corporate compliance, fraud and abuse, reimbursement via=20 Medicare/Medicaid and all areas of regulatory compliance. Smith Haughey Ric= e=20 & Roegge, 1400 Abbott Road, Suite 410, E. Lansing, MI 48823.=20 mchamberlain@shrr.com. Visit our website. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Medical Malpractice =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09WANT A SECOND OPINION ON A MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASE? The law offices = of=20 Anthony M. Malizia, P.C., is a statewide firm that handles only medical=20 malpractice cases. I am Martindale-Hubbell "AV-rated." I sit as a plaintiff= 's=20 medical malpractice mediator. I have 20 years experience in the review and= =20 development of these cases, many trials to jury verdict, and many more=20 settlements. Over the years, upwards of 20% of my case inventory has=20 consisted of meritorious cases initially rejected by others, including "nam= e=20 firms." Oftentimes these cases were subjected to incomplete analysis becaus= e=20 of the firm's lack of in-depth, medico-legal background. Sometimes medical= =20 sleuthing or a new perspective was required. Send me your rejected case for= a=20 "de novo" review. We also welcome the referral of "new" cases. Anthony M.= =20 Malizia, P.C., 37000 Grand River, Suite 340, Farmington Hills, MI 48335,=20 1-800-555-5107 or e-mail: amlmalizia@aol.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Securities Law & Commercial Litigation =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09HERTZ, SCHRAM & SARETSKY, P.C. will assist you or your clients in all= aspects=20 of securities law, including securities arbitration, litigation and=20 regulatory representation. Areas of expertise include customer disputes,=20 employment issues (such as enforcement and defense of noncompetition=20 agreements, trade secret obligations, agreements to pay training costs and= =20 promises to repay forgivable loans) regulatory inquiries and reporting and= =20 broker-dealer/ investment advisor creation and registration. The firm is al= so=20 available to accept referrals of complex commercial litigation to be handle= d=20 on a cost-effective and personalized basis. The firm handles a wide variety= =20 of business litigation matters, including contract, shareholder, employment= ,=20 trade secret, collection, dissolution, and leasing disputes. Brad Schram,= =20 Gary Saretsky, and Mark Kowalsky, 1760 South Telegraph Road, Suite 300,=20 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302-3346; E-mail mkowalsky@hsspc.com. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Special Education Law =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09LAW OFFICES OF MARSHA LYNN TUCK with 20 years experience, Martindale-= Hubbell =0F" AV-rated,=0F" representing students with and without disabilities in suspen= sion,=20 expulsion, integration, inclusion, and similar cases. Marsha Lynn Tuck, 307= 00=20 Telegraph Road, Suite 4646, Bingham Farms, MI 48025. (248) 585-9338. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Tax Litigation & Disputes =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09JOSEPH FALCONE is available to assist attorneys with Federal and Stat= e Civil=20 and Criminal Tax Litigation and Dispute matters. Joseph Falcone, a former I= RS=20 Detroit District Counsel Trial Attorney, has handled thousands of tax matte= rs=20 and has 27 years experience working in the specialized area of Tax Litigati= on=20 and Disputes. If you require assistance with a major tax dispute, wish to= =20 refer a matter, or just need a few minutes consultation over the phone with= =20 your specific problem or question, telephone or e-mail us. Visit our websit= e.=20 Falcone & Rolfe, P.C., 3000 Town Center, Suite 2370, Southfield, MI 48075.= =20 (248) 357 6610. Fax (248) 357-6613. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09To receive information on how to place a Fields of Practice listing, = contact=20 Stacy Sage =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09classified advertising =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Confidential Records Destruction =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09SHRED-IT. Confidentiality, Privacy and Document Security are vital in= today's=20 environment. SHRED-IT provides solutions for secure destruction of=20 confidential, sensitive and proprietary information, utilizing a unique,=20 mobile, ON-SITE document destruction system. Call 1-800-69-SHRED or=20 1-800-697-4733. E-mail Eastern Michigan; e-mail Out state Michigan or visit= =20 our website =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Expert Witness-Building =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09EXPERT WITNESS services for construction issues. Our cases include is= sues of=20 faulty construction, failure to disclose, personal injury and ADA. Mr. Tyso= n=20 is a member of many model code organizations including BOCA, ICBO, NFPA and= =20 ASTM. Our attorney clients represent plaintiffs and defendants. Rendering= =20 independent and unbiased opinions. Ortonville, MI. Phone (248) 627-6859. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION--ABR Construction Consultants in conjunction= with AR=20 Decker & Associates, Inc., civil and structural engineers offering expertis= e=20 in all phases of residential construction related to workmanship, cost, tim= e,=20 structural analysis, civil analysis and other related problems. Contact Jac= k=20 W. Belkin member of BOCA, Bldg. Specs., Inc., licensed builder and real=20 estate broker (248) 443-4063, cell (248) 867-5042, e-mail jwbelkin@Mich.com= =20 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Expert Witness-Economics Consulting =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09ECONOMIC LOSS CALCULATION and litigation support in personal injury, = wrongful=20 death and wrongful discharge cases. Over 25 years experience including Chie= f=20 Economist for the Michigan Department of Commerce. John F. Hanieski, Ph.D.,= =20 Economics Consulting Services, LLC, 8583 W. Eaton Hwy., Grand Ledge, MI.=20 48837. (517) 627-6968. E-mail =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Expert Witness-Legal Malpractice =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09LEGAL MALPRACTICE - EXPERT EVALUATION, pre- and post-litigation analy= sis,=20 written opinions, deposition and trial testimony in plaintiff originated or= =20 defendant defended legal malpractice cases that involve Real Estate and=20 Commercial Transactions and Civil Litigation. 18 years' experience as legal= =20 malpractice expert. Asher N. Tilchin, Tilchin, Hall & Reynolds P.C., 31731= =20 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 106, Farmington Hills, MI 48334. (248) 855-0995, f= ax=20 (248) 855-0850. E-mail antilchin@aol.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Lawsuit Financing =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09DO THE MATH! If your client accepts a $50,000 offer on his $100,000 c= ase=20 because he can't meet his obligations while waiting for his case to resolve= =20 at full value, his decision will cost him over $33,000. That same decision= =20 will cost you almost $17,000. Lawsuit Financial, L.L.C., Suite 304, 6960=20 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322. Call (248) 948-1800 or (877)= =20 377-SUIT. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Legal Research =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09OPEN is a national online information service providing point and cli= ck=20 access to business and individual background data. Available information=20 includes driving and criminal records, UCC filings, corporation records, re= al=20 property records, bankruptcies, liens, judgements and other public record= =20 information. OPEN offers discounted database searches to SBM members. Visit= =20 our website at www.openonline.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Positions Available =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09AV-RATED BLOOMFIELD HILLS law firm is seeking an attorney with two to= five=20 years of real estate and corporate transactional experience. Must have=20 graduated top one third of class. Salary commensurate with qualifications.= =20 Please submit resume, transcript and references to LER, Dawda, Mann, Mulcah= y=20 & Sadler, PLC, 39533 Woodward Avenue, Suite 200, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304= . =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09ESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEY--Rehmann Robson CPA's and Consultants is see= king an=20 attorney for our Grand Rapids location for its growing estate and business= =20 succession planning department. A minimum of 2-3 years in the technical=20 aspects of tax and estate planning is a must! LLM and top 1/3 of class=20 preferred. Send resume to: HR #SBM; 2510 Lake Lansing Rd.; Lansing, MI 4891= 2.=20 Fax (517) 372-2770. www.rehmannrobson.com =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09To receive information on how to place a classified advertisement, co= ntact=20 Stacy Sage =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Marcia M. Beach has moved her office to 605 W. Michigan Avenue, Jacks= on=20 49201; phone (517) 784-4865; fax (517) 784-7229. Ms. Beach concentrates in= =20 family law matters. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09The 2001-2002 edition of The Best Lawyers in America includes five la= wyers=20 from the Detroit office of Dickinson Wright P.L.L.C.: Lawrence G. Campbell= =20 for business litigation; James N. Candler Jr. for real estate law; Edgar C.= =20 Howbert for bankruptcy law; Joseph C. Marshall III for labor and employment= =20 law; and John E.S. Scott for business and personal injury/civil litigation. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09The 2001-2002 edition of The Best Lawyers in America includes three l= awyers=20 from the Lansing office of Dickinson Wright P.L.L.C.: David C. Coey for=20 business and personal injury/civil litigation; Joseph A. Fink for business= =20 litigation; and Peter S. Sheldon for corporate and tax law. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09The 2001-2002 edition of The Best Lawyers in America includes five la= wyers=20 from the Bloomfield Hills office of Dickinson Wright P.L.L.C.: Stephen E.= =20 Dawson for real estate law; Henry M. Grix for trusts and estates; Hanley=20 Gurwin for family law; Patrick J. Ledwidge for banking and corporate law; a= nd=20 Larry Stringer for immigration law. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09John P. Jacobs has been selected by Best Lawyers in America for inclu= sion in=20 its 2001-2002 edition. Mr. Jacobs' practice is limited to appellate work an= d=20 is Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Deborah L. Rubin has joined the Corporate Law Department of State Far= m=20 Insurance Companies as Assistant Counsel. Her new address is One State Farm= =20 Plaza, A-3, Bloomington, IL 61710. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Stefan J. Scholl was recently elected to the Emmet County Board of=20 Commissioners. Mr. Scholl is a general practioner in Petoskey. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Brian D. Sheridan has been appointed by Governor Engler to the Adviso= ry=20 Council on Deafness for a term expiring in January, 2003. Sheridan is a=20 partner in Steward & Sheridan, P.L.C. of Ishpeming and is a cochlear implan= t=20 user. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09News & Moves =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Alan H. Silverman, managing director of Silverman, Smith, Bingen & Ri= ce,=20 Kalamazoo, has been elected President of the Board of Trustees of the=20 Michigan Maritime Museum of South Haven. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09bar events =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Presentation/Discussion MRPC 8.2/Attorney Criticism of Judiciary =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: Oakland County Bar Association Professionalism Committee led= by=20 Lawrence Dubin, Professor of Law at University of Detroit School of Law =09=09Date: Thursday, December 14, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. =09=09Location: Oakland County Bar Association, 1760 South Telegraph Road, = Suite=20 100, Bloomfield Hills=20 =09=09Pricing Information: Free =09=09Contact: Advance reservations encouraged but not required. Bring your= own=20 lunch or order lunch through OCBA by calling James Riashi 48 hours in advan= ce=20 at (248) 334-3400. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Taking & Defending Depositions =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: The National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) =09=09Dates: Thursday, December 14 through Saturday, December 16 =09=09Location: University Place Conference Center & Hotel, Indianapolis =09=09Pricing Information: Tuition is $995, scholarships are available =09=09Contact: Call NITA at (800) 225-6482 or visit their website at www.ni= ta.org =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=092000 ADA & FMLA Update =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) and the Labor= &=20 Employment Law Section =09=09Date: Friday, December 15 =09=09Location: MSU Management Education Center, Troy =09=09Contact: ICLE=20 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Seminar on ADR in Courts =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: ADR Section of the State Bar of Michigan, Oakland County Bar= =20 Association ADR Section, and Oakland Mediation Center =09=09Date: Friday, December 15, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. =09=09Location: Oakland County Commissioner's Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph= , Pontiac =09=09Pricing Information: Free =09=09Contact: RSVP to J. Patrick Martin or by fax (248) 932-0368 before Su= nday,=20 December 10 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09License Renewal & Appeal Issues (video replay) =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: Macomb County Bar Association Criminal Law Committee =09=09Date: Monday, December 18, noon to 2 p.m. Check-in at 11:30 a.m. =09=09Location: Macomb County Circuit Court Building, 5th Floor Jury Room =09=09Pricing Information: $25 members; $40 non-members; $15 legal assistan= ts/law=20 students =09=09Contact: Register by Friday, December 15, by calling the MCBA at (810= )=20 468-2940. Lunch is provided to those who pre-register by December 15. A $5= =20 surcharge will be added for those who do not pre-register. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09WBA Holiday Party & Charity Benefit =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: The Women's Bar Association of Oakland County (WBA) =09=09Date: Monday, December 18, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. =09=09Location: The Fox & Hounds Restaurant, 1560 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfie= ld Hills =09=09Pricing Information: $40 members; $45 non-members by December 11; $50= at the=20 door =09=09Contact: For reservations, send a check payable to the WBA c/o Debora= h Beer,=20 1805 East Tahquamenon Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302. Questions should b= e=20 directed to Mary Vallieres at (248) 625-7671 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Homeward Bound: Trust & Estate Issues in Real Estate =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: Real Property Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan =09=09Date: Thursday, January 18, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. =09=09Location: MSU, Management Education Center, 811 W. Square Lake Road, = Troy =09=09Pricing Information: $75 members; $85 non-members =09=09Contact: For more information, call Arlene Rubinstein at (248) 644-73= 78 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Recent Tax, Pension & Valuation Developments Seminar =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: Macomb County Bar Association Domestic Relations Committee =09=09Date: Monday, January 29, noon. Check-in at 11:30 a.m. =09=09Location: Macomb County Circuit Court Building, 5th Floor Jury Room =09=09Pricing Information: $25 members; $40 non-members; $15 legal assistan= ts/law=20 students (members); $30 legal assistants/law students (non-members) =09=09Contact: Register by Friday, January 26, by calling the MCBA at (810)= =20 468-2940. Lunch is provided to those who pre-register by January 26. A $5= =20 surcharge will be added for those who do not pre-register. =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Preparing Your Client for the New Mediation Rules =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Sponsor: ADR Section of State Bar of Michigan =09=09Date: Friday, February 16, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. =09=09Location: 9th Floor Courtroom, Michigan Court of Appeals, 1001 Woodwa= rd Ave.=20 (at Michigan Ave.), Detroit =09=09Pricing Information: Free of charge =09=09Contact: Reservations requested; contact Annie Madigan, (313) 256-928= 2;=20 amadigan@jud.state.mi.us=20 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09Please send information for the Bar Events section to Carrie Peplinsk= i-Pickett =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09contacts =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09For information on classified advertising, contact Stacy Sage =09=09 =09=09For information on fields of practice listings, contact Stacy Sage =09=09 =09=09For unsubscribe and change of address issues, contact: Carrie=20 Peplinski-Pickett =09=09 =09=09To list bar event information, send your information to Carrie=20 Peplinski-Pickett =09=09 =09=09Editorial comments may be sent to Nancy Brown =09=09 =09=09Technical questions may be sent to e-journal-tech@michbar.org =09=09 =09=09Who Does What at the State Bar=20 =09=09 =09=09Back to Quicklinks =09=09 =09=09To receive the text-only version, please send an e-mail to=20 lyris@lists.michbar.org In the body, type: subscribe ejournal-text. To=20 unsubscribe from the html version, type: unsubscribe ejournal on the next= =20 line. You may re-subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. State Bar of Michigan Home Copyright © 2000, State Bar of Michigan --- You are currently subscribed to ejournal as: [mark.e.haedicke@enron.com] To unsubscribe, forward this message to=20 leave-ejournal-255481W@lists.michbar.org