Enron Mail

To:james.hughes@enron.com, james.derrick@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com,rebecca.mcdonald@enron.com, peter.weidler@enron.com
Subject:TBS briefing session - March 23rd
Cc:eddy.daniels@enron.com, erwin.landivar@enron.com, rafael.rangel@enron.com,john.novak@enron.com
Bcc:eddy.daniels@enron.com, erwin.landivar@enron.com, rafael.rangel@enron.com,john.novak@enron.com
Date:Thu, 22 Mar 2001 15:33:00 -0800 (PST)

Please find below the dial-in numbers for tomorrow's conference call in
preparation for next week's formal board meeting:

Topic: Briefing re: TBS from Fede Cerisoli for Enron's board members
Date: March 23rd
Time: 1h00pm or 3:00 pm Houston Time
4h00pm or 6:00 pm S?o Paulo/Rio de Janeiro Time
Host: Eddy Daniels (Fede Cerisoli)

Dial In Numbers:
International: 847 619 8039
Domestic: 800 991 9019
Participant Code: 667 22 85#

To facilitate the discussion during the call, I'm enclosing the following

Draft of the Board Meeting presentation.

A summary/diagram of the project's supply agreements.

A diagram of the Yabog pipeline to assist us during the briefing on the
TBS-Andina capacity release transaction.

Thank you very much.

From: Eddy Daniels on 03/22/2001 07:21 AM CST
To: James A Hughes/Enron@EnronXGate, James Derrick/Enron@EnronXGate, Mark E
Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca McDonald/Enron@EnronXGate
cc: Federico Cerisoli/SA/Enron@Enron, Erwin Landivar/SA/Enron@Enron, Gabriela
Aguilar/SA/Enron@Enron, John Novak/SA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Notice of Meeting of Directors of TBS on March 28, 2001

I thought it might be helpful to provide a little background on the reasons
for the March 28 board meeting. By tomorrow morning, Federico and his team
will distribute talking points with details of the various matters listed on
the agenda. If you would find it useful, Federico and I are available for an
informational conference-call in preparation for the board meeting which
could be held on Friday, March 23, either at 3 pm Houston time, or at 1pm
Houston time. Please let us know of your preference.

TBS is a Cayman company whose principal purpose is to facilitate the supply
of gas to the Cuiaba power plant in Brazil. It is essentially a service
company and its only assets are contractual rights related to the gas supply
and transportation agreements. Enron owns 72.5%, and Shell owns 27.5%.
Until now, the board has consisted of only Enron designees. Shell has had a
right to designate a board member since late 1998, and has recently
designated Dr. Johannes Walzebuck as their designee for TBS (and to serve on
other boards related to Cuiaba). Until now, the board functioned largely by
unanimous written resolutions.

Shell is also minority shareholder of the asset-owning entities related to
the Cuiaba project: EPE (power plant co.), GasMat (Brazilian side of
pipeline spur) and GasBol (Bolivian side of pipeline spur). Pursuant to
various agreements, Shell is obligated to fund its proportional share of the
capital expenditures required to develop the project. Essentially, the
agreements require that the parties consult from time to time to determine an
"Agreed Budget." The project companies make monthly cash calls per the
Agreed Budgets and the shareholders then fund the cash requirements. Due to
various construction problems and delays, the main project entities (EPE,
GasMat & GasBol) have seen significant increases in the proposed Agreed
Budgets. The once friendly operating relationship between Shell and the
project companies has turned cold, with Shell insisting on strict observance
of contractual formalities, objecting to proposed increases to the Agreed
Budgets pending further consultations, and defaulting on nearly $13 MM of
cash calls in the past few weeks. Rebecca McDonald and Pete Weidler have
become personally involved in discussions with senior representatives of
Shell to resolve the problems.

It is these tensions with Shell that have led to us call for a live TBS board
meeting instead of the more usual action by written resolutions. We expect
that Shell may vote against approving the budgets, even though TBS's budget
is quite small and has not increased beyond the level approved by Shell
previously. While Shell has a contractual right to object to increases (at
EPE, GasMat & GasBol) and to decline to participate in further funding
(leading to their dilution), they have no right to refuse to fund the
obligations to which they have already agreed. The board still can approve
the budgets it deems necessary, thus giving TBS's managers corporate
authority to continue operations under the budgets. Shell remains obligated
to fund its proportionate share of the Agreed Budget for TBS, notwithstanding
any potential vote against the budget.

It is quite possible that Shell will not raise unnecessary obstacles in the
TBS board meeting given the relatively small amounts at stake (less than $1
million). Their real concerns lie in the asset owning companies. However,
we must be prepared for potential noncooperation.

As indicated, I understand that an informative presentation will be
distributed to you late this evening and TBS's management will be available
to answer your questions Friday afternoon. If I can be of further
assistance, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Eddy Daniels

Eddy Daniels
03/20/2001 05:18 PM

To: Johannes.Walzebuck@shell.com.br, James Derrick/Enron@EnronXGate, Mark E
Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca McDonald/Enron@EnronXGate, James A
cc: Federico Cerisoli/SA/Enron@Enron, Nancy Muchmore/NA/Enron@Enron, Denise
Subject: Notice of Meeting of Directors of TBS on March 28, 2001

Please find attached a notice of a board of directors meeting for Transborder
Gas Services Ltd. for next Weds., March 28, 2001. The meeting will be held
immediately after presentations to the shareholders' representatives (Enron &
Shell ) in Cuiaba, Brazil and will start at 11:00 am local time (9am Houston
time). There will be a telephone call-in number for board members who can
not attend in person which will circulate later this week.


Eddy Daniels