Enron Mail

To:robert.williams@enron.com, rob.walls@enron.com, bruce.lundstrom@enron.com,peter.weidler@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com, richard.sanders@enron.com, john.novak@enron.com, miguel.mendoza@enron.com
Subject:TGS Update/strictly privileged and confidential
Cc:dbishop@kslaw.com, gt@bomchil.com.ar
Bcc:dbishop@kslaw.com, gt@bomchil.com.ar
Date:Mon, 12 Mar 2001 08:58:00 -0800 (PST)

The Province of Rio Negro in Argentina claims TGS owes approximately $352=
million in stamp taxes, interest & penalties.=01; TGS recently filed its fi=
administrative appeal in Rio Negro against that province's stamp tax=20
assessment.=01;=01;The administrative process normally could take a couple =
of more=20
months, but because the Province of Rio Negro could reject=01;the appeal an=
y day=20
and seek to collect the taxes, TGS has no choice but to immediately seek an=
injunction in the Argentine Supreme Court.=01; Once Rio Negro rejects the a=
(which it will), TGS waives its right to go to the Supreme Court for an=20
injunction, a risk it cannot afford to take.=01;=20
This suit could potentially have a negative impact on Enron's bilateral=20
investment treaty (BIT) claim in the International Center for the Settlemen=
of Investment Disputes (ICSID), because the parties are required to make an=
election under the BIT.=01; In other words, a party cannot have previously =
suit for relief in the local court if it seeks redress in ICSID arbitration=
Technically, Enron hasn't filed in the local court, and=01;we will argue th=
Enron's claim under the BIT is independent of=01; the TGS claim in local co=
This=01;argument is novel, however, and it is not clear how it will play=20
out.=01;=01;Recall that on February 22, 2001, Enron filed its ICSID claim f=
or a=20
declaratory judgment against the Republic of Argentina for the actions of=
both Neuquen ($224 million assessment)=01;& Rio Negro provinces.=01; Theref=
even if ICSID rejects Enron's=01;claim=01;regarding Rio Negro, the Neuquen =
should remain valid giving Enron leverage for negotiation with the federal=
=01;In late 1999, TGS filed an action in the Argentine Supreme Court for a=
declaratory judgment and=01;injunction against the Province of Santa Cruz=
($17million assessment).=01; Our local contacts inform us that despite prec=
to the contrary, the Supreme Court appears to be leaning toward granting at=
least a partial injunction in that case.
About a=01; month ago, the federal government and the provinces tentatively=
agreed to do away with the stamp tax prospectively and the federal governme=
would provide another income stream for the provinces.=01; As you are aware=
President de la Rua recently asked his entire cabinet to step down followin=
the resignation of Economy Minister, Machinea, citing the troubled economy,=
now in its 32nd month of recession.=01;=01;Machinea's office=01;has been fa=
ineffective as the arm of the federal government addressing the existing=20
stamp tax issues among the provinces, producers and transporters.=01; There=
de la Rua's appointment of an orthodox, hard line economy minister, Ricardo=
Lopez Murphy, is seen by investors as positive.=01; It is unclear how this=
governmental change will impact the tentative agreement on the future of=20
stamp taxes, but I am investigating.=01; We will make arrangements to meet =
Mr. Lopez Murphy, as we have with the past government officials concerning=
the stamp tax, its impact on Enron, and on the foreign investment climate i=
Please call me if you have any questions.=01; x56159.