Enron Mail

Subject:Use and Retention of Electronic Mail
Cc:richard.sanders@enron.com, bob.mcauliffe@enron.com
Bcc:richard.sanders@enron.com, bob.mcauliffe@enron.com
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 12:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mark -=20

Here is my proposed e-mail to all Microsoft Outlook Exchange Users. I am=
also forwarding a copy of this e-mail to Richard and Bob for their thoughts=


As a reminder to all Microsoft Outlook Exchange users, Enron has the=20
following guidelines on the use and retention of electronic mail. =20

1. Enron=01,s electronic mail files are backed up daily. Mail file backup =
are recycled every eighth day. Enron=01,s e-mail system should, therefore=
, be=20
thought of as a temporary storage media.=20
2. Folders can be created to assist in managing and storing your electroni=
mail communications.=20
3. Keep the number of stored electronic mail messages under control, and=
purge old messages from your system on a regular basis.=20
4. Recommended maximum retention periods for electronic mail messages are=
listed below. (Messages older that the maximum retention will be purged=

Message Location=09Maximum Retention
Inbox=0930 days
Message Log/Sent Mail Folder=0930 days
Trash=09Rollover from Inbox for one day
Folders=09All e-mail messages placed in folders will be destroyed after one=
calendar year.