Enron Mail

Subject:"Western Power Markets" and Other Events
Date:Mon, 5 Mar 2001 12:21:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Electric Power Industry Colleague:

Soaring natural gas prices, heat waves, plant outages, low hydropower =20
availability, capacity shortages =01) many unexpected factors combined to s=
end =20
Western power prices upward last summer. In addition to fundamental factors=
, =20
flaws in market rules and market power are also considered by many observer=
to have been significant causes. Western power markets continued to hold=
surprises in the fall and winter, as lower load levels did not result in t=
expected moderation of prices. Unprecedented gas market price spikes, and =
credit crisis due to the near-bankruptcy of California utilities, were add=
to the complex mix of market drivers.

Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI) is organizing a conference to =20
address these complex issues =01) "What to Expect in Western Power Markets=
Summer." The conference will bring together market forecasters, system=20
operators, regulators, monitors, buyers, sellers and other industry expert=
to present and discuss the latest facts, policies, and forecasts.=20
Presentations and panel discussions will cover supply, demand and price=20
forecasts; how the Western markets work when capacity is short; changes to=
ISO rules and regulatory policies; and FERC=01,s price mitigation measures=
. In=20
addition, a session will cover longer term developments in the western=20

Attend EUCI=01,s timely conference, "What To Expect in Western Power Marke=
This Summer" to get as clear a picture as is likely to be available.

To view the details for this conference, please click=20
http://www.euci.com/Conferences/wewmay01.htm and for associated "Modeling t=
WSCC Grid" Workshop, please click=20
http://www.euci.com/Conferences/mtwapr01.htm. On the right hand column of=
these pages, you will see links for Program Agenda, Registration=20
Information, and Online Registration. You may need to maximize your page o=
move the sliding bar to the right to get to the right hand column dependin=
upon your browser or monitor.

Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. is also pleased to announce the =20
"Ancillary Services" Conference and associated pre- and post-conference=
workshops to be held April 4-6, 2001 in Denver, Colorado. To view the=20
conference program agenda please click=20
http://www.euci.com/Conferences/ascapr01.htm and pre-conference workshop=20
"Ancillary Services 101" click =20
http://www.euci.com/Conferences/as101apr01.htm and post-conference workshop=
"Market Based Pricing for Ancillary Services: Market Design Choices, =20
Consequences and Outcomes Workshop" click =20


List of Other Upcoming Conferences, Courses, and Workshops

"FERC Order 2000 & Emerging Market for Transmission Upgrades" Course


May 15-17, 2001, Denver, Colorado


Transmission Grid Expansion and System Reliability Conference (Focus on =20


May 21-22, 2001 -- Denver, CO


Transmission Grid Expansion and System Reliability Conference (Focus on =20


May 23-24, 2001 -- Denver, CO


Market Based Planning for Transmission Capacity Expansion Workshop =20


May 25, 2001 -- Denver, CO


"Engineering and Planning for Aging T&D Infrastructures" Course


June 20-22, 2001 -- Washington, D.C


"What Generation Developers Need to Know about Transmission" Course


June 20-22, 2001 -- Washington, D.C


If you would like further information concerning our previous conference =
proceedings, please visit our website at www.euci.com.

Kindly send this announcement to your colleagues who might benefit from =20
attending these conferences/workshops/Courses

Best Regards,

L. Mrig
Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI)
5555 Preserve Drive
Greenwood Village CO 80121
(303) 770-8800

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