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Enron Mail |
Cc: jeffrey.hodge@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: jeffrey.hodge@enron.com X-From: Mark E Haedicke X-To: Mark Evans X-cc: Jeffrey T Hodge X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mark_Haedicke_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: HAEDICKE-M X-FileName: mhaedic.nsf Mark: It looks like Paul Simons got a copy of this e-mail. Let me know if it is useful to work with ISDA on any of these matters. Mark Haedicke ----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 06/07/2001 03:46 PM ----- Ruth Ainslie <RAinslie@isda.org< 06/07/2001 01:46 PM To: Mark Haedicke <Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com< cc: Subject: FW: FSA consultation paper: Regulatory regime for Energy Market Part icipants - ISDA Energy and developing products Committee -----Original Message----- From: Judith Birch [mailto:JBIRCH@ISDA-EUR.ORG] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:19 AM To: Agnes Foy; alban caillemer; anna lawry; annette Hoener; anthony redstone; arnaud duhamel; asa engstrom; benoit de Vitry; bernadette Willis; brian peyton; Bruno Plaskow; Caroline Szatmari; carrie fleming; charles barrett; Christian Bettley; christophe chassard; clare hatcher; Claude Brown; Claude Unge; David Carter; david fransen; edward murray; elisabeth bertin; Eric Rothman; fatima bentoumi; Fiona Smith; Gareth Williams; heather pilley; iona levine; James Powell; Jay Hellums; Jeffrey Golden; john fry; Jolie Norris; jon ibbotson; Joseph Carrico; judith lawless; justin boyd; keir prince; laurence garside; lesley stockwell; linda klein; louise bernstein; Louise Kendall; louise kitchen; Luanne Giessen; maria garland; marion Sommerkorn; mary saul; Mehboob Hoque; ned swan; nick perry; Olof Myhrman; paivi toivari; paul castanon; paul newman; Paul Simons; pedro diaz; Per Westerberg; Peter Verbiest; philip henderson; Philipee Lautard; pierre chevalier; rebecca bond; rita pearson-schwandt; Robert Finney; roberto colacchia; Rosali Pretorius; sanjev; sara rumberg; seema bal-thakrar; simon smith; steve ciampi; Steven Crotch; thelma loshkajian; therese cochrane; thierry groell; Thomas Jones; Thomas Werlen; Thomas Werlen; Tim Arcedeckne-Butler; tjepco van voorst vader; tom hunter; tony fisher; toshiro takino; Ulrike Schefe Cc: Emmanuelle Sebton; Ruth Ainslie; Stacy Carey; John Berry; Peter Werner Subject: FSA consultation paper: Regulatory regime for Energy Market Part icipants - ISDA Energy and developing products Committee < Dear all, < Pls find attached the FSA consultative paper on a new regulatory regime for Energy Market Participants and an invitation for the ISDA Energy and Developing Products Committee on 25 June at 3 pm, where this paper will be discussed. Any comments in advance of the meeting are welcome. Deadline for the response to the FSA is 17 July 2001. Could you pls confirm your attendance to Judith Birch at jbirch@isda-eur.org. < < <<fsajune.pdf<< <<KDMemoJune601.doc<< Thank you in advance. - fsajune.pdf - KDMemoJune601.doc