Enron Mail

Subject:Organizational Changes
Date:Fri, 8 Dec 2000 07:33:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 03:32 PM -----

=09David Delainey, President & CEO Enron Americas@ENRON
=09Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
=0912/07/2000 11:53 PM
=09=09 To: ESA_Employees
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: Organizational Changes

On November 8, the Office of the Chairman, issued an important communicatio=
announcing significant organizational changes in Enron's worldwide=20
operations. The purpose of this memo is to share with you the decisions tha=
are underway to restructure Enron=01,s operations in South America. The b=
organizational framework has been set.=20

As you know, Diomedes Christodoulou and Jim Bannantine will be assuming new=
responsibilities within Enron. Replacing them will be Orlando Gonzalez and=
Joe Kishkill, who will become the Co-Presidents of South America, reporting=
to Dave Delainey and John Lavorato. They will share overall responsibility=
however, Orlando=01,s focus will be on direct sales origination,=20
commercial/government relationships and regulatory issues. Joe=01,s focus =
be on wholesale origination, financial and operating performance and overal=
country management. In addition, Orlando will continue as President and CE=
of Elektro until its ultimate sale.

The existing, large integrated asset base in South America (excluding=20
Elektro) will be managed and operated by Rebecca McDonald and Jim Hughes in=
Enron Global Assets, which is part of Enron Wholesale Services under Mark=
Frevert. Ultimately, there will be very close coordination in both Brazil a=
Argentina between Enron Americas and Enron Global Assets to ensure that our=
reputation in South America is protected, our asset positions are being=20
managed prudently and that commercial opportunities surrounding these asset=
are pursued.

The remaining natural gas and electrical commercial activities in South=20
America will be organized around the highly successful North American netwo=
business model. This model employs people, market making, physical=20
commodities, capital and assets to provide reliable, flexible and high-valu=
products to our customers. It is people and intellectual capital based and=
enjoys high rates of return on invested capital.

In the interest of pursuing this strategy, the following teams will report =
Joe and Orlando:
The Commercial Origination team will be lead by Brett Wiggs. The team will=
focus on covering South American markets, primarily Brazilian and Argentine=
natural gas and electricity, with the following goals:

? Generating new, innovative, reliable and high value products and services=
needed by the market by utilizing our commodity, asset and capital=20
? Providing those products and services across South America and across the=
value chain, including wholesale and retail, based upon the highest value=
? Finding structural value arbitrages in the South American market and move=
quickly to capitalize;
? Assisting the Risk Management and Trading organization in managing the=20
overall risk of the organization;
? Managing all new power and asset development opportunities in South Ameri=
consistent with this strategy, and
? Providing the Risk Management and Trading organization information and de=

The Commercial Origination team will consist of a diverse group of people w=
work as a single team which bring the required skills including commodity,=
capital, regulatory, asset, development, market, structuring, deal executio=
finance and country knowledge necessary to reach our goals.=20

The Trading and Risk Management team will be headed by Remi Collonges. The=
team will continue to develop pricing information and manage the price book=
for the relevant energy markets in support of the wholesale and direct sale=
efforts. Additionally, the team will work toward implementation of activel=
trading South American energy commodities. This group will be responsible=
for managing Enron South America=01,s overall risk and will have a direct=
reporting relationship with John Lavorato in his role as head of the Americ=
risk activities.

The Argentine effort will be integrated into the overall South American=20
Commercial Origination and Trading and Risk Management groups; however, we=
will continue to maintain an Argentine office headed by Michael Guerriero. =

The goal of the reorganization is to create a flat team oriented organizati=
that is very market and commercially focused. The following support=20
functions will assist the overall business objectives of the commercial tea=
and will report into Joe and Orlando, plus into their line functions in=20
Houston. The overall goal is to ensure that the South American business=20
units have an adequate support organization to evaluate opportunities, as=
well as manage day-to-day business and risk. Otherwise, the Houston=20
infrastructure will provide resources as needed to manage peak requirements=
in South America, not unlike other businesses in Enron Americas.

These groups include:

The Government Affairs team, which will be headed by Sergio Assad, will=20
manage the relationships with the relevant regulatory agencies as well as=
governmental ministries. The primary regulatory goal will be to facilitate=
in the near term, substantive changes to the regulatory rules to allow a=20
functioning wholesale traded market in Brazil and Argentina. Sergio will=20
assume his responsibilities upon completion of the Elektro sale. During th=
interim period, Jose Bestard will continue to be in charge of the regulator=
function. Once Sergio makes the transition, he will also report to Rick=20
Shapiro in Enron Government Affairs.

The Finance team will be headed by Britaldo Soares. The team will manage t=
interface with Enron Global Finance. Britaldo will transition from his=20
current duties at Elektro upon completion of the Elektro sale. Britaldo wi=
also report to Joe Deffner in Enron Global Finance. Rob Gay will be=20
assisting Britaldo during the transition, while continuing his work on the=
Cuiaba project.

The Legal team, which will be lead by Randy Young, as general counsel, and=
John Novak, as deputy general counsel, will manage South America=01,s legal=
requirements. Randy and John will also report to Mark Haedicke in Enron=20
Wholesale Services - Legal Department.

Miguel Padron will become Chief of Staff. Human Resources, Information=20
Technology, Treasury, Accounting & Reporting, as well as Administration wil=
report to Miguel. This will bring focus to essential, but non-commercial=
functions, as well as more efficiently manage key matrix reporting=20
relationships with Enron. Miguel will also report to David Oxley in Enron=
Wholesale Services =01) Human Resources and Wes Colwell in Enron Wholesale=
Services =01) Business Analysis and Reporting.

These changes are consistent with Enron's evolving business strategy and=20
reflect our continuing commitment to grow the company by maximizing our=20
financial and intellectual capital. However, in line with the new=20
organizational structure and the near term potential for business in the=20
region, further budget reductions will be necessary. People directly=20
affected will be notified shortly.
Enron is committed to continue the successful implementation of its=20
businesses in South America. We believe that as the markets develop, we ar=
uniquely positioned to leverage Enron=01,s core capabilities and create=20
shareholder value.=20