Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Energy Bar Association Program
Date:Tue, 26 Sep 2000 06:45:00 -0700 (PDT)

Steve: It's ok to put confirmed. Mark

=0909/25/2000 03:03 PM
=09=09 To: Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: RE: Energy Bar Association Program

I appreciate your taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate =
the program. I will plan to arrange a conference call during the early par=
of October among the e-commerce panelists. Can the program reflect that yo=
are confirmed, or should we list you as invited?
-----Original Message-----=20
From: Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com [SMTP:Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com]=20
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 3:57 PM=20
To: SKramer@milbank.com=20
Subject: Re: Energy Bar Association Program=20

It looks like a great program! I am happy to participate. I would like to=
have a teleconference of the panel within a few weeks so that I can make=20
sure I have time to get my materials together.=20

SKramer@milba =
nk.com To: =20
mark.e.haedicke@enron.com =20
cc: =
09/20/2000 Subject: Energy Bar Associatio=
Program =20
PM =

Per my telephone conversation with Margaret Gerhardt, I want to thank you=
very much for your interest in participating on the e-commerce panel for=20
the Energy Bar Association mid-year program.=01; Margaret suggested that y=
be listed on the program brochure as "invited," in case a conflict should=
arise. The Association will be distributing a final brochure at a later=20
date which will reflect any changes in speakers.=01; Attached for your=20
information is a draft program brochure and a brief overview of the=20
e-commerce panel.=01; The Association believes that the e-commerce panel i=
timely given the dramatic impact that electronic commerce is having on the=
economy generally, and in particular due to the unprecedented changes=20
taking place in the energy industries.=01; Having the perspective of=20
EnronOnline, the industry leader, will be a great addition to the program.=
Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information.=01=
; I=20
look forward to seeing you at the program.=20
Steven M. Kramer=20
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP=20
International Square Building=20
1825 Eye Street, N.W.=20
Washington, D.C. 20006=20
TEL:=01; 202-835-7508=20
FAX:=01; 202-835-7586=20
<<EBA-MidYear2000-Agenda-Draft-9-12-00.doc<< <<EBA Mid-Year Meeting.doc<<=
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(See attached file: EBA-MidYear2000-Agenda-Draft-9-12-00.doc)=20
(See attached file: EBA Mid-Year Meeting.doc)=20
<< File: EBA-MidYear2000-Agenda-Draft-9-12-00.doc << << File: EBA Mid-Yea=
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