Enron Mail

Subject:Re: PG&E presentation to Creditors' Committee (Tuesday, May 15,
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 11:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Mark E Haedicke
X-To: Lisa Mellencamp
X-Folder: \Mark_Haedicke_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Sent
X-FileName: mhaedic.nsf

I will be out of town that day. Maybe the next one. Mark

Lisa Mellencamp
05/10/2001 08:38 AM

To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: PG&E presentation to Creditors' Committee (Tuesday, May 15, 2001)

michael tribolet cannot attend this meeting.
i will go with someone from leboeuf. is this something you might want to go
may be good meeting to get feel for committee, debtor etc. if you have time.
unfortunately need to go night before when they set at 10.

Lisa J. Mellencamp
Enron North America Corp. - Legal
1400 Smith St.
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (713) 853-7986
Fax: (713) 646-3393
E-mail: Lisa.Mellencamp@enron.com
----- Forwarded by Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 08:36 AM -----

05/09/2001 08:56 PM

To: awirum@pillsburywinthrop.com, fallon_annamarie@jpmorgan.com,
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elizabeth.h.baird@bankofamerica.com, lengel@brobeck.com, gbush@bankofny.com,
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juhase_kathleen@jpmorgan.com, kcoleman@gibsondunn.com, ksmith@deltapower.com,
krussak@pillsburywinthrop.com, lisa.mellencamp@enron.com,
michael.tribolet@enron.com, mlurie@exchange.ml.com, mahrens@smrh.com,
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cc: FNeufeld@milbank.com, allison.m.young@us.pwcglobal.com,
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RMoore@milbank.com, rocky.ho@us.pwcglobal.com,
sfischer-holmes@rogersassoc.com, tom.lumsden@us.pwcglobal.com
Subject: PG&E presentation to Creditors' Committee (Tuesday, May 15, 2001)

PG&E has asked to make a presentation to the Creditors' Committee at our
meetings in San Francisco on Tuesday, May 15, 2001.? The presentation, which
is expected to cover a wide range of pending issues, will start at 10 am and
will last for approximately one to two hours.? Please see my earlier email
for the full agenda, location and call-in information for the meeting, which
will still start at 9:30 am and should last most of the day.?


Allan T. Marks
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
email:? amarks@milbank.com
website:? www.milbank.com?
(213) 892-4376 (L.A. telephone)
(212) 530-5312 (N.Y. telephone)
(213) 892-4739 (L.A. direct fax)
(213) 629-5063 (L.A. main fax)????????????????


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