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At the October 24, 2001, FERC Sunshine meeting, the following items were di=
scussed: Kern River Firm Customers' Rehearing Request Denied (C-6, C-8 on agenda): Called by Linda Breathitt, these are two Kern River expansion applications = [CA. Action Project, CP01-69; 2002 Expansion, CP01-106] that have received = certificates. The draft orders deny rehearing requests by Firm Customers w= ho charge that additions will cause further pro rata allocations at Wheele= r Ridge. The draft order states that the benefits of the project outweigh = "any potential adverse impact to existing customers?" and that "the solutio= n to the problem of pro rata curtailments at Wheeler Ridge lies not with in= terstate pipelines, but with resolving the problems of take-away capacity o= n SoCalGas?." Hence, the orders reason that Kern River has satisfied its o= bligations to its customers, and the current lack of intrastate capacity "c= annot be laid at [Kern River's] door." Breathitt is filing concurrences to these two orders to highlight the impor= tant issue of FERC's response to intervener allegations of insufficient tak= e-away capacity related to interstate expansions. Though Breathitt doesn't= dissent from the rehearing denial, she wants to underscore the importance = of the Commissions' acknowledgement of the role that possible degradation o= f existing rights plays in the determination of the public need and necessi= ty for pipeline expansions. She also states that she is "uneasy" about FER= C's "strident policies" in favor of adding pipeline facilities despite poss= ible inefficiencies and constraints, and she reiterates that FERC's mandate= under the NGA goes beyond making sure pipeline gets into the ground. She = notes that the Commission will revisit the take-away capacity issue in anot= her Kern River expansion application, CP01-422 [2003 Expansion Project]. Brownell Calls for Development of Regional State Relations Panels under Aus= pice of "Electricity Market Design and Structure" NOPR, RM01-12 (E-5 on age= nda) Though the issuance of a NOPR is not apparently imminent, under this discu= ssion item Nora Brownell announced that she has sent a memo to the other th= ree Commissioners recommending the development of some internal structure t= o coordinate communications between FERC and state commissions. The need f= or such coordination emerged from obvious frustration expressed by state co= mmissioners during RTO Week. To get this process going, Commissioner Brown= ell asked staff to pursue a structure, perhaps a type of regional panel, wi= th the mission to strengthen federal/sate relationships. Considering the m= agnitude of RTO development, FERC likely will need to have dedicated staff = work on this. Chairman Wood requested that Dan Larcamp, Director of OMTR, = bring a proposal to the Commission at the next meeting on how to implement = a structure. While all three other Commissioners supported Brownell's prop= osal, Commissioner Massey noted that there's already been seven years of "p= rocess" and input on RTO formation and that any new structure should be dev= eloped "in a way that gets us to an endgame" concretely and clearly. Western Infrastructure Reports Lay Baseline for FERC Adequacy Conference in= Seattle Staff presented multiple detailed reports on data and background material g= athered to lay the groundwork for discussions at next month's Western Infra= structure Adequacy Conference in Seattle on November 2 [similar conferences= will be held regionally across the country]. The conference is a FERC "= fact-finding mission" which will seek to answer three primary questions: (1)=09=09Is the current energy infrastructure in the West adequate? (2)=09What are the infrastructure needs for the region? (3)=09What factors inhibit investment in the development of adequate energy= infrastructure? While the presentations seem to focus primarily on electric transmission, t= he conference will cover all energy delivery systems. The overriding quest= ion on all fronts is what needs to be done, and who needs to do it. The po= werpoint presentations made by Staff are already available on FERC's websit= e at <http://www.ferc.gov/calendar/commissionmeetings/discussion_papers.htm= < =20 "RTO Week" Update=20 Staff updated the Commissioners and public on the week of RTO panels held a= t FERC last week. Staff is preparing and organizing a document outlining "= what Staff heard," which will be posted on FERC's website this week. The d= ocument is intended to give focus to reply comments from stakeholders. Sta= ff also suggested that there may be a need to hold smaller, more focused St= aff sessions to "dig deeper?." According to Staff, while there seemed to b= e some consensus at the 10.000 mile high level, more specific issues emerge= d which may require further discussion. Lengthy Updates and Discussion on Two RTO Mediations (Southeast, Northeast)= , Midwest RTO Progress In the Northeast and Southeast RTO mediation cases, Staff and the mediating= Judges briefed the Commissioners on where the ordered mediations left off,= what proposals and options are now on the table, and what next steps may b= e necessary. These mediation reports will be available online (by end of w= eek). What is not clear is when the Commission is going to vote on RTOs - = there were no votes at the meeting, only discussion. In the Midwest, both MISO and ARTO are ready for operations, and MISO and S= PP are also prepared to merge. While Commissioners discussed specifics of = all the Midwest proposals, again no vote was taken or any indication given = as to when a vote may occur. ETS Draft Orders Issued: ?=09Northern Natural, RP00-223-005: Northern's Limited Firm Transportation= ["LFT"] tariff sheets were approved, including two additional LFT sheets c= oncerning the Carlton surcharge. ?=09Calypso, CP01-444-000: Letters issued to Secretary of State, Secretary= of Defense requesting review of draft Presidential Permit for Calypso to c= onstruct, own and operate pipeline facilities at the boundary of the U.S. E= xclusive Economic Zone [EEZ] and the Bahamas EEZ.