Enron Mail

Subject:Copy Playstaion FREE 29462
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 12:13:01 -0800 (PST)

COPY ANY DVD MOVIE! With our revolutionary software you can copy virtually=
any DVD Movie using your existing equipment! Conventional DVD copying equ=
ipment can cost thousands of $$ Our DVD Wizard cost less than the price of =
2 DVD Movies! Order NOW and get our PlayStation Wizard For FREE! CLICK H=
ERE To Learn About DVD Wizard! CONVERT VHS INTO DVD! Why pay for a copy o=
f a movie on DVD that you already own of VHS??? Not all movies on VHS are=
available on DVD. So MAKE Them into a DVD yourself!! DVD Wizard Will teac=
h you. Our Revolutionary DVD Wizard will help you create DVD's! Copy DVD M=
ovies And Create Your Own Personal Collection! Convert VHS and Camcorder Mo=
vies into DVD Movies! Order NOW and get our PlayStation Wizard For FREE!=
. CLICK HERE To Learn About VHS Wizard! VHS.gif (10098 bytes) FREE BON=
US!! COPY PLAYSTATION?FFFFAE GAMES With our revolutionary software you =
can copy virtually any PlayStation?FFFFAE Game using your existing CD Burn=
er! Conventional Game Coping copying equipment can cost thousands of do=
llars. The PlayStation ?FFFFAE Wizard costs less than the price of ONE G=
AME! Rent any game for less than $4 and copy it for FREE! Save HUNDRE=
DS of dollars copying games! For the price of just one game you can own th=
is software and have UNLIMITED GAMES! This means the software pays for =
itself the first time you use it!!! Order NOW and get our PlayStation Wi=
zard For FREE! CLICK HERE To Learn About PlayStation Wizard! =09