Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Newsletter
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 16:46:34 -0800 (PST)

=09Friday December 28, 2001=09Petrocom =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | =
market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past=
7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More =
Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World=
wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I=
ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Pemex Encounters Natural Gas =
Development Oppositon Pemex runs into opposition on plans to raise the fo=
riegn investment capital needed to for natural gas development plans [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] Exploration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Repsol O=
ffshore Exploratory Licenses Too close to Morrocco Morocco has denounced S=
pain's violation of the country's maritime territory after Madrid distribut=
ed offshore oil prospection licenses for the Canary Islands in Moroccan con=
trolled seas. BP Awards Caspian Geophysical a Marine Seismic Contract BP=
has awarded Caspian Geophysical a major marine seismic contract offshore A=
zerbaijan [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] Gullfaks Turns 15 December 22nd marks the 15th anniversary of the G=
ullfaks development in the North Sea. Phillips Gets Go-Ahead for Bayu-Unda=
n Development Project Phillips Petroleum receives approval from the East T=
imor Council of Ministers to proceed on the development of the Bayu-Undan g=
as project. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company & Financial News [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Delta Petroleum to Buy Piper Petroleum Delta Petrol=
eum Corporation, an independent energy exploration and devel! opment compan=
y, has entered into an agreement to purchase Piper Petroleum Company, a pri=
vately owned oil and gas company headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. Vecto=
r Energy Announces Second Quarter Results Vector Energy Corporation annou=
nced today the results of the second quarter ended Oct. 31, 2001 Kinder Mo=
rgan Buys Tejas Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP of Houston entered into a=
n agreement to purchase Tejas Gas LLC for approximately $750 million in cas=
h. Nexen Sets Next Years Budget Nexen's new capital budget is 1.24 bill=
ion dollars. About $240 million is scheduled for worldwide exploaration pro=
jects. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] advertisement A National-Oilwell designed, 19=
92 built modular offshore drilling rig is available for sale direct from th=
e manufacturer. This rig drilled only 5 wells from the Draugen platform in=
the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Click on the link below for full d=
etails, photos and seller contact information: http://www.rigzone.com/mar=
ket/surplus_listing.asp?eq_id=3D397 Last 7 Days Top Stories [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Petrobras Acquires 75% Stake in Block OPL324 =
Offshore Nigeria Petrobras has inked a deal for a 30-year contract on bloc=
k OPL324 offshore Nigeria. The company would have a 75% interest in the bl=
ock and serve as operator. Shell Awards Landmark E?Data Contract Landmark=
has been awarded a three-year E?data management contract by Shell. Landma=
rk will manage over two terabytes of seismic data using the PetroBank syste=
m. Oman to Cut Production by 40,000 bpd Oman pledges to cut an additional=
15,000 bpd bringing its total production cut to 40,000 bpd. Conoco Acquir=
es Additional Interests Offshore Vietnam Conoco Inc. announced its agreeme=
nt with Statoil ASA to purchase a portion of its interests in the $1.3 bill=
ion Na! m Con Son natural gas project, offshore Vietnam. Stena Don Heads t=
o Work Statoil has taken delivery of the Stena Don. The newbuild semisubm=
ersible will drill its first well on the Staer prospect offshore Norway. R=
epsol, British Gas and TotalFinaElf to Explore Offshore Argentina Repsol a=
nd British Gas have been joined by TotalFinaElf to explore offshore Souther=
n Argentina. Patterson/UTI Energy, Inc Buys Clere Drilling Company Assets=
PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY, INC. the second-largest operator of land-based oil =
and natural gas drilling rigs in North America, today announced the acquisi=
tion of 17 land-based drilling rigs from Cleere Drilling Company Gazprom =
To Borrow $100 Billion Rubles to Finance Exploration Gazprom is seeking to=
borrow $100 billion rubles to finance exploration and increase natural gas=
output in 2002. ENI and NNPC Form Exploration Joint Venture ENI and Nige=
rian National Petroleum Corp. and formed an alliance to explore for Block 2=
44 offshore Nigeria. Statoil Orders Two More Carriers for Snohvit Statoil=
and its partners have entered into an agreement with K-line and Mitsui for=
the construction of two new LNG carriers to be used on the Snohvit field i=
n the Barents Sea. Landmark and SGI Jointly Market GeoProbe Software Land=
mark and SGI team up to market the GeoProbe visualization software that was=
developed by Magic Earth. Wellstream Achieves ISO 14001 at UK Facility H=
alliburton's Wellstream business unit achieves ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 ce=
rtifications at its UK facility. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] advertisement "From=
The Rigzone Career Center" I am a 1983 Louisiana Tech Petroleum Engineerin=
g graduate with 18 years of Amoco, Conoco and Ocean Energy deepwater drilli=
ng engineering experience. I have been and would like to continue to be a=
n effective member of a drilling team involved with planning, rig selection=
, and operational performance measurement. Click here for detailed informa=
tion regarding my experience and qualifications. Upcoming Oil & =
Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Jan. 22 Alliances =
and Partnering in Oil & Gas Singapore Feb. 7 Marine Construction 2002=
Houston Feb. 10 2002 SPE International Petroleum Conference & Exhibiti=
on in Mexico Villahermosa Feb. 26 2002 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and=
Exhibition DallasMar. 10 AAPG Annual Meeting Houston Apr. 9 2002 S=
PE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition Houston May. 6 Offsho=
re Technology Conference 2002 Houston Aug. 27 ONS 2002 Conference and E=
xhibition Stavanger Oct. 6 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual=
Meeting Salt Lake City Oct. 15 Permian Basin International Oil Show O=
dessa list your conference view upcoming events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Halliburton INTEC Quest Offshore Horizon Offsho=
re Global Completion Service [IMAGE] [IMAGE] promote your company =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Petroleum Production in Nontechnical Language,=
2nd Edition [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Survey Vessels of the World, 4th Ed. [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] Modern Petroleum Technology, 6E, 2 Vol. Set [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] more products [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] f! eatured equipmen=
t: Dreco 1000 UE Land Rigs [IMAGE] Gardner Denver PZ-8s [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] more equipment [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured jobs: - Lan=
d (Drilling) Safety Technician - Land (Drilling) Safety Technician - Sr. =
Cost Engineer more hot jobs << featured candidates: - work history - =
Driller - Offshore Production Supervisor search for candidates << [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 50.0% (7/14) +=
5000': 100.0% (25/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 68.5% (50/73) 3rd Gen: 82.=
0% (41/50) 4th Gen: 100.0% (38/38) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To =
200': 53.7% (36/67) 200' MC: 58.3% (14/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 300=
' IC: 87.5% (84/96) +300' IC: 88.9% (48/54) Severe Env.: 81.0% (17/21=
) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] view ! complete utilization report [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Light Crude Oil: $20.90/BBL (-1.28%) Brent Crude Oil: $20.34/BBL (=
5.23%) Natural Gas: $2.65/MMBtu (-7.34%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.59/gal (=
-1.67%) prices from: 12/27/2001 change since: 12/26/2001 [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09
=09=09=09 Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor, feature your job ope=
ning or, advertise your upcoming industry conference. Click here for mor=
e information, send your press release to info@rigzone.com or call us at =
281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsl=
etter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone an=
d updating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML=
or Text) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. =
Click here to log in . =09=09