Enron Mail

Subject:Save up to 70% on your Life Insurance!
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 14:34:59 -0800 (PST)

Save up to 70% on your Life Insurance!
Why Spend More Than You Have To?
Check out these example monthly rates...
10 year level premium term insurance
(15, 20 and 30 year rates also available)
$250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
Age Male Female Male Female Male Female
40 11.75 11.53 19.58 18.27 34.80 30.45
45 18.59 16.19 32.81 24.06 59.16 43.75
50 28.66 20.34 51.63 36.31 94.83 67.86
55 43.97 30.19 83.56 56.00 152.25 107.01
60 68.69 44.15 133.00 83.52 252.30 152.85

(smoker rates also available)
Take a minute and click here to fill out the simple form and
receive a FREE quote comparing the best values from among
hundreds of the nation's top insurance companies! Click Here For All The Great Savings!
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