Enron Mail

Subject:Background on Ken Chow
Date:Mon, 30 Oct 2000 06:02:00 -0800 (PST)

Per your request!

---------------------- Forwarded by James Centilli/ET&S/Enron on 10/30/2000=
02:01 PM ---------------------------

Kenneth Chow
10/25/2000 04:44 PM
To: James Centilli/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Ronald Matthews/ET&S/Enron@ENRON=20

Subject: Background on Ken Chow =20


The following contains the background information you requested. I have al=
attached my resume for your review.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks for all your help,

Bachelor=01,s in Mechanical Engineering

Education Facility Name:
McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Career Path:
As an engineer in Enron=01,s Analyst Program, I have not been on the rotat=
track of a typical analyst. My technical background and experience led me =
non-traditional rotations in Facility Planning and System Optimization. =20
These rotations gave me the unique opportunity to work as an engineer in a=
commercial environment. With the Houston Pipe Line Facility Planning Team,=
provided technical support to marketing and producer services. In my curre=
rotation with the ETS System Optimization Team, I apply my engineering=20
knowledge to maximize pipeline value.

My objective is to gain more experience in the financial aspects of ETS. =
am interested in learning how to perform project evaluations and financial=
analysis so my intent is to have a greater emphasis on finance in my final=
rotation. My strength lies in technical work but I envision my knowledge o=
assets and operations to be an infusion of different intellectual capital t=
the ETS finance group.

I always had a desire to learn about finance, having taken accounting=20
courses in high school and through my college classes in economics and=20
operations research. At Enron, I continued to pursue this interest by=20
attending development courses in corporate finance and risk management. I=
also registered to take the GMAT so that I can keep my MBA option open. I=
want to make an informed decision on business school when I graduate from t=
Analyst Program.

By developing my financial skills, I intend to become a more valuable Enro=
employee. I want to bring some financial focus back to the engineering grou=
so we can manage our assets more efficiently. Combining what I learned in=
previous rotations with what I could learn from the finance group will give=
me a new and fresh perspective. That is why I approached Ron Matthews and=
James Centilli about a hybrid Planning/Finance position. In our changing=
business environment, I feel this will be mutually beneficial to all.

Ronald Matthews
10/23/2000 08:28 AM
To: Kenneth Chow/ET&S/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: Ken Chow

---------------------- Forwarded by Ronald Matthews/ET&S/Enron on 10/23/200=
08:31 AM ---------------------------

James Centilli
10/20/2000 09:41 AM
To: Ronald Matthews/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: =20

Subject: Ken Chow

Rod wants to know some background on Ken Chow.

Degree: =20
Education Facility Name:
Career Path:
