Enron Mail |
I recommend approval of these.
Morris A. Brassfield Enron Transportation Services Senior Director Operations Support Services Three Allen Center 3285 333 Clay Street Houston, Texas 77002 713-646-7006 Business Phone 713-503-1409 Cell Phone -----Original Message----- From: Clements, David Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:48 AM To: Brassfield, Morris Subject: FW: PAA Form Morris, I am forwarding two PAA formats for your review. Jason and Nancy developed an agenda for reviewing O&M reporting requirements for our Field Point Persons that took them through the steps of reporting, forecasting and current estimating, not only as it relates to our requirements, but to those of Elaine's shop as well. I recommend your approval. dc -----Original Message----- From: Zabawa, Mike Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:38 AM To: Clements, David Subject: PAA Form Mike Zabawa Mzabawa@enron.com