Enron Mail

To:rob.walls@enron.com, rod.hayslett@enron.com, michael.norris@enron.com,luitgard.fischer@enron.com, lawrence <.boe@enron.com<, s..yao@enron.com, lloyd.wantschek@enron.com, steve.jernigan@enron.com, peter.berger@enron.com
Subject:FW: Weekly Report
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:50:04 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahan, Mariella=20
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 10:43 PM
To: Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.
Cc: Tortolero, Elio; Boe, Larry A. (Lawrence); Sommers, Jeffrey E.; Walls J=
r., Rob; Donahue, Jeff; Lundstrom, Bruce; Romero, Isabel
Subject: Weekly Report

Following is a list of last week's most salient events.
Central America/DR:
Guatemala: MARAD will reply this week as to their position vis-a-vis the r=
eduction of Enron's contingent support from $28 to $10 million. It is poss=
ible they will ask for additional information. =20
Nicaragua: Current credit ratings required the funding of approximately $6=
.3 million into a debt service reserve account (project was allowed to swee=
p the funds against a corporate guarantee by Enron, which was backstopped b=
y the partners pro-rata to their ownership in the project). Partners to re=
imburse Enron their pro-rata share, such that Enron's ultimate outflow will=
be approximately $2.2 million. Team tried to get MARAD to agree to altern=
ative solutions but MARAD simply refused citing bad past experience and pol=
itical implications.
Panama: Team in Houston last week to review the upcoming PPA bids by Elekt=
ra (one of the two distribution companies in Panama). Three issues are wor=
th noting: (i) requirement to post bid bonds (approximately $10 million) wi=
ll likely need some sort of Enron support (BLM can't get bid bonds on its o=
wn although local management continues attempting to do so); (ii) BLM's mar=
ginal costs are among highest in Panama. A preliminary strategy has been m=
apped out; and (iii) PPA terms are a bit "one-sided" in favor of the distri=
butor. BLM and other market participants have tried repeatedly to get the =
distco to change terms without success. =20
Dominican Republic: El Paso confirmed it can't work with us. Operationall=
y, the plant is working well. As noted on an earlier e-mail, EFI's fuel su=
pplier for SECLP, Vitol, asked for a letter of credit or pre-payment terms.=
Enron rejected the request. SECLP bought cargo directly from Vitol. We =
are working closely with Tom Moran of ENE credit on these issues.
This week was a very productive week. Update as follows: Lender Process: =
Based on several conversations this week, lenders have stated they underst=
and that Mirant's insurance package is the result of market conditions. Le=
nders are prepared to pursue credit committee approval with the $300 millio=
n coverage. Mirant offered a 6-month only waiver on the deductibles. Lend=
ers appear content with that option. ENE insurance has approximately 75% o=
f the underwriters on board with our back-up plan to provide the additional=
$200 million tranche. Backup will be used only if credit committee(s) kic=
k back existing coverage. Mirant to issue a certification of compliance wi=
th QF (by Eco) and a legal opinion asap. Based on the progress this week a=
nd the remaining commitment on deliverables, it is expected that the lender=
's agent can put together the entire lender package and submit it to the le=
nder group by Tuesday of next week. Finally, Mirant also committed to prov=
iding comments (if any) to the Lender Consent Agreement. ENE and EME have =
reviewed and provided comments already. GE Consent: Mirant committed to s=
ending their "versions" of the key documents on the GE buy-out on Friday ni=
te (late). I have not seen the document but they have repeatedly stated th=
at the documents are "conforming". Union Carbide Guarantee: Plan to final=
ize language early next week. Schedule: Mirant has committed to fulfillin=
g CP's as early as possible (and is acting on that statement) as long as we=
can allow them to fund on 12/19. They state they are confident they can c=
lose CP's by earlier than 12/14 and can fund on 12/19. CSFB has not shed l=
ight on the apparent funding (timing) limitation but has offered to investi=
gate further. =20
Philippines: The team did an excellent job of advancing discussions and neg=
otiations with NPC but was unable to move the slow government machinery fas=
t enough to make it to a signing by last Thursday's New York event. Nevert=
heless, momentum is high and team continues to work toward a 12/15 agreemen=
t date; funding wouldn't occur until early next year.=20
Guam: Continue discussions with Mirant and AES with a focus on getting the=
m over the hump on the issue of Enron's contingent obligation to cover the =
potential shortfall under a GPA buy-out event. Work continues. Meetings h=
ave been set with Dr. Boyce to discuss his interest in the Guam project. =
China: Unit 2 still scheduled to come back on line on 11/23. Two likely c=
auses still under investigation (poor vaccum or material design flaw). Wor=
k on capital reduction for Chengdu on hold until discussions are held with =
Houston to ensure consensus. In the mean time, several parties have approa=
ched us with interest in Chengdu. On Hainan, team is paying several visits=
to the new SAFE representatives, first to work on the mid November repayme=
nt ($10 million). Next step would be liquidation. =20
Europe =20
Gaza: Waiting to hear from CCC (partner) on conceptual proposal: ENE to pr=
ovide limited technical support and financial services support to help put =
in place cost over-run facility and to help with remaining construction act=
ivities and CCC to take our equity (at no cost) and any remaining obligatio=
ns. Aim is to eliminate the potential exposure on ENE's $9 million of guar=
antees. =20
Trakya: During meetings in London, OPIC informed us that they had had good=
meetings with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Energy. Government =
stated they would "clean up" arrears but could not do so before January 200=
2 (presumably there are no budget funds left). Government committed to wor=
k with OPIC on resolving the forex dispute issue but acknowledged that the =
legal opinion they had sought and received didn't address the issue properl=
y and thus needed additional work to provide the Government with the backin=
g it needed to give the issue resolution. OPIC agreed to send the Governme=
nt "terms of reference" on their conceptual agreements. On our question of=
change in frequency in the distribution of dividends OPIC stated they woul=
d expeditiously move to review our proposal, indicating no pre-disposed pos=
ition against it. =20
Sarlux: team continues to prepare to submit response to EPC contractor's c=
laim, as well as our own counter-claim, all scheduled to be submitted on No=
vember 30th. Team continues to work on sorting out technical issues at th=
e plant, including meetings with senior Texaco officials. =20
ENS: local team and Adam Overfield worked to resolve remaining issue over =
final completion certificate. Issue was related to CO2 emmissions on GT12 =
vs the EPC contract parameters. Team has convinced the lender's engineer t=
hat issue is of no relevance. Team is now moving to secure lender approval=
. This releases $1.95 million of contingent support by ENE. =20
Europe Sales Prospects: IPower submitted preliminary proposals for ENS and=
Trakya, both well below expectations.
Other: Team is working closely with RAC to come up with updated fair marke=
t valuations, cashflow projections by month for the quarter ended Dec. 31, =
and revised/updated transfer restriction information.
Thanks, Mariella
Isabel: please distribute to team as customary.