Enron Mail

Subject:Best Practices Library
Date:Tue, 1 Feb 2000 22:34:00 -0800 (PST)

The new Best Practices Library Web Page is ready for use and can be accesse=
at the following URL address; http://otsntwebdev/bestpractice/=20

This site can be used for submitting new ideas or concepts you have for=20
making improvements to Gas Pipeline Group programs or processes. To view a=
summary of the program revisions click on =01&What is the Process?=018.=20

Ideas submitted prior to December 1, 1999 have been reviewed and categorize=
using the new definitions of Best Practice or Improvement Opportunity and=
will be transferred to the new web site on a scheduled basis to ensure=20
functionality. Accepted ideas in Controls & Electronics, Environmental, an=
Safety will be placed in the new site by February 15. Accepted ideas in=20
other categories will be displayed on the new web site by March 1.=20

Ideas submitted after December 1 are being reviewed under the new process a=
will be categorized and communicated in accordance with current guidelines.

While the original Best Practices web page can still be accessed for viewin=
ideas previously submitted, the site will not accept any new entries and wi=
be taken down some time in the near future. If you experience any technica=
difficulties accessing the new site, please contact Mike Dervin at (713)=20

All employees are encouraged to share ideas that have worked for them and=
that may benefit other locations.