As you can see in the attachment below, this is an extremely exhaustive list of questions/requests (for NNG only). I would strongly suggest that we meet for one hour to go over this list and prepare for Thursday's meeting.
Rod: Who from tax should attend? I have asked Gary Smith and Jim Bouillion to attend as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 8:42 AM
To: Howard, Kevin A.
Cc: John.O'
Shea@dynegy.comSubject: Due Diligence Request List
Attached is our detailed due diligence request list for Northern Natural.
The list is not 100% complete. I am awaiting input from our operations
personnel, but I am forwarding it to you now in the interest of time.
Please call if you have any questions (713/767-4764).
(See attached file: DD Request List.doc)