Enron Mail

Subject:Preliminary 2001 Objectives
Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:22:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron on 12/11/2000=20
04:24 PM ---------------------------

James Saunders
12/08/2000 07:02 PM
To: Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON
cc: Bob Chandler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Cobb/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Patricia=20

Subject: Preliminary 2001 Objectives

Rod - below is a prliminary list of 2001 objective ideas.

a. Participate in Enron's Project Sunrise to improve utiliation of SAP, SAP=
"bolt ons" and SAP/accounting related processes.
b. Enhance ETS SAP user groups to remedy post implemetation "bugs" and=20
improve user understanding and utilization
of the system.

a. Implement an ETS approval authorization policy (and ensure compliance),=
incorporating all possible ETS transaction
b. Implement improved ETS project controls (beyond workorder authorizations=
c. Establish improved financial risk management procedures (interrelated to=
a. above)
d. Utilize internal audit resources to provide process improvement ideas=20
(versus traditional audit findings) and drive process changes.
e. Achieve no material financial effects from external audit negotiations

a. Refinance TW note with Enron
b. Issue 144A or equivalent to meet FGT cash requirements in 2001.

a. Meet year end external reporting requirements and deadlines, complicated=
the mid 2000 MSA/SAP conversion.

a. Implement FAS133 with no adverse effect to income.

a. Provide innovative accounting solutions in support of:
a1. pipeline regulatory initiatives
a2. pipeline expansions
a3. pipeline and ETS new business/deal initiatives (including divestments)
a4. unique business projects, ie. TW Navajo ROW settlement negotiations, NN=
South End opportunities
b. Develop improved upfront accounting linkage on pending ETS business=20

a. Implement and document process and reporting improvements; realizing the=
benefits of the 2000 ETS accounting functional realignment. (There are=20
opportunities in financial accounting, property accounting, reporting,=20
reconciliations/ controls, and staff development)
b. Implement an ETS acounting analyst program

Patricia Wiederholt
12/05/2000 10:47 AM
To: Jerry Peters/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, James Saunders/FGT/Enron@ENRON
cc: =20

Subject: 2001 Goals & Objectives

My input for items I believe need to be accomplished in the year 2001:

Improve timing of accounting close to 5th workday
Complete refund for NBPL rate case
Develop manageable allocation methodology for new organization structures
Implement financial forecasting model for NBPL SFV tariff
Establish additional Audit Committee member for NBP by June 2001 to meet n=
audit committee requirements

These are in addition to our "standard" objectives for reporting deadlines,=
financial targets, etc.

=09From: Bob Chandler 12/05/2000 01:05 PM

To: James Saunders/FGT/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: 2001 Goals & Objectives

Here's a laundry list of various potential 2001 Goals/Objectives per Rod's=
request below:

Implementation of FAS 133
Possible 3rd party refinancing of $150MM TW note to Enron Corp.
Implementation of Datamarts to replace DSS.
Implementation of Risk Management System (Lee Ferrell - Commercial)
Filing of Forms 2 using 6 mos. MSA and 6 Mos. SAP.
Completion of year 2000 audited financials using 6 Mos. MSA and 6 Mos. SAP
Progress toward resolution of TW ROW renewal issue.
Completion of NNG depreciation study in support of south end strategy
Establishment of SLA recovery mechanism through Order 637 settlement=20
Implementation and fine-tuning of new ETS Finance organization.

John Cobb
2001 Goals & Objectives Consideration
December 8, 2000

1. Develop and implement a Citrus Board capital report for Phase V and VI=
to the current Phase IV reports and support the expansion construction team=
in the monitoring and reporting of costs, etc.

2. During the First Quarter, 2001 identify any Year End / FERC Form 2=20
reporting issues and implement solutions to meet reporting deadlines and as=
necessary improve on any interim solutions prior to year end, 2001.=20

3. During the First Quarter, 2001 confirm the accuracy and FERC compliance =
the Composite Depreciation and AFUDC calculations.=20

4. Manage the quarterly CTC contract valuations (FAS 133/138) so as to=20
minimize any adverse earnings impact.

5. Support the implementation of an ETS Accounting =01&Analyst=018 Program

6. Identify and implement at least one (per department) =01&best practice=
procedural improvement as a result of the new functional organization with=
identified cost savings, efficiencies and/or revenue enhancements.

7. During the First Quarter, 2001 review the =01&Assessments=018 (Fixed=20
Distribution) in conjunction with the new organization and initiate changes=
as appropriate.