Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Virginia Power Energy Marketing, Inc.
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:08:17 -0700 (PDT)

Contract number is 96030230
Contract date is 12/9/99
CP number is 66652


Georgi Landau
Enron Net Works
(Ph) 713/345-4435
(Fx) 713/646-2495

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Heard, Marie =20
Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 2:30 PM
To:=09Allen, Kimberly; Anderson, Diane; Bailey, Susan; Bell, Jean; Bowen, B=
ob; Boyd, Samantha; Brackett, Debbie R.; Bradford, William S.; Brewer, Juli=
e; Brown, Angela Y.; Campos, Anthony; Cason, Sharen; Cisneros, Celeste; Col=
bert, Marilyn; Conwell, Wendy; Cook, Mary; Crawford, Sharon; Curry, Ken; Eb=
ow, Amber; Ellstrom, Diane; Espinoza, Veronica; Fischer, Jason; Garcia, Jor=
ge A. ; Gerard, Camille; Gonzalez, Veronica; Gray, Barbara N.; Hare, Bill D=
.; Heaney, Gordon; Hendry, Brent; Hundl, Kimberly; Hunter, Larry Joe; Johns=
on, Cheryl; Johnson, Rudwell; Jones, Tana; Koehler, Anne C.; Lambert, Karen=
; Landau, Georgi; Landry, Shemeika S.; Lebrocq, Wendi; Lees, Lisa; Leite, F=
rancisco Pinto; Mendoza, Nidia; Monterrey, Maribel; Moore, Jason; Moran, To=
m; Mulvany, Patrick; Murphy, Melissa Ann; Nelson, Cheryl; Neuner, Dale; Ngo=
, Tracy; Ornelas, Bianca; Otto, Randy; Panus, Stephanie; Piwetz, Stephanie;=
Radous, Paul; Rajaram, Aparna; Reeves, Leslie; Richardson, Stacey; Rodrigu=
ez, Bernice; Rodriguez, Melissa; Rohauer, Tanya; Sacks, Edward; Sayre, Fran=
k; Schott, Samuel; Seib, Dianne; Sever, Stephanie; Shackleton, Sara; Shiver=
s, Lynn; Sietzema, Linda; Sonnonstine, Max; Southard, Carrie; Tackett, Scot=
t; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Theriot, Kim S.; Vanek, Darren; Williams, Jason =
R (Credit); Williams, Tiffany
Subject:=09Virginia Power Energy Marketing, Inc.

=09We have received an executed First Amendment to ISDA Master Agreement da=
ted as of September 21, 2001 by and between Virginia Power Energy Marketing=
, Inc. and Enron North America Corp. This first amendment increases the co=
llateral thresholds for both Party A and Party B.

=09Copies will be distributed.