Enron Mail |
Legal Team,
Per the recent change in Company structure for Sequent Energy Management, LLC there are a number of financial deals that must be assigned over to the correct entity--Sequent Energy Management, LP. Please prepare trade assignment documentation for the following deals (please note that all of these deals, except for the first one, were executed on EOL): VT2401.1 VM7262.1 VM7369.1 VM7677.1 VM8690.1 VM8778.1 VN2395.1 VN3448.1 VN4598.1 VN4726.1 VP3529.1 VP3704.1 VQ0698.1 VR2661.1 VR2666.1 VU0121.1 VU1540.1 Also, ENA does not have an ISDA in place with the counterparty--all deals were confirmed under GTC's. Please give me a call if you need any other info. Thanks again, Veronica Espinoza x6-6002