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Set forth below is the list of counterparties with whom I have been involved with regarding the implementation of netting arrangements and the status. Green represents completed arrangements and red represents those arrangements under progress. Coastal States Trading- Executed by both parties. (payment and close-out netting) ConAgra- Executed by both parties. (Master Crude Oil P&S with CSA) Conoco- Executed by both parties. (only payment netting) Crown Central- Executed by both parties. (only payment netting) Louis Dreyfuss- Forwarding our Master Liquids documentation for their review. (request made for NGL Master Purchase and Sale Agreement) Morgan Stanley- Executed by both parties. (only close-out netting) Navajo- Requesting Navajo to review our standard payment netting document. (request for crude oil payment netting) Richardson- Richardson has requested payment netting of invoices for NGL transactions, but may be content to proceed with Master Netting Agreement. Marie Heard will inform me if I need to carry this forward. Sunoco- Executed by both parties. (only payment netting) Unocal- Form of document agreed. (only crude payment netting) Valero- Executed by both parties. (only payment netting) Williams- Documents for crude oil payment netting agreed and being prepared for execution. Jeff Hodge is proceeding with a Master Netting Agreement. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. John