Enron Mail |
Here is Alan's status of Goldman/J. Aron. -----Original Message----- From: Aronowitz, Alan Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:08 PM To: Cook, Mary; St. Clair, Carol; Heard, Marie Subject: FW: Status of Agreements (Goldman/J Aron) The update on Goldman Sachs/J Aron Master Netting Agreement is that the legal form of the document has been agreed to with their inside counsel. We are waiting for Credit (Houston)'s approval before circulating for signature. I spoke with Tanya R. today. She said she would speak to Bill about GS' request to sign the cross-affiliate netting agreement w/o collateral. With Bill's approval, we can circulate for signature. Alan -----Original Message----- From: Heard, Marie Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 3:10 PM To: Aronowitz, Alan; Athena Alexander (E-mail); Clark, Morris; Cook, Mary; David Mitchell (E-mail); Davis, Angela; Del vecchio, Peter; Douglas, Stephen H.; Evans, Mark (London Legal); Gaffney, Chris; Gray, Barbara N.; Hansen, Leslie; Heard, Marie; Hendry, Brent; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Johnston, Greg; Jones, Tana; Keohane, Peter; Koehler, Anne C.; Lech Kalembka (E-mail); Leite, Francisco Pinto; Marissa Morelle (E-mail); McCullough, Travis; Mellencamp, Lisa; Murphy, Harlan; Murray, Julia; Nemec, Gerald; Portz, David; Rick Antonoff (E-mail); Rohauer, Tanya; Sager, Elizabeth; Saxena, Rahul; Sayre, Frank; Schuh, Michael; Shackleton, Sara; Simons, Paul; St. Clair, Carol; Van Hooser, Steve; Viverito, John; Von Bock Und Polach, Marcus; Williams, Jason R (Credit) Subject: Status of Agreements Per Carol's request, please e-mail Carol, Mary and me with an update on the agreements you are working on. Thanks! Marie