Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Albchem Industries Ltd.
Date:Thu, 30 Aug 2001 14:36:11 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Pernul, Sarah =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:30 PM
To:=09Heard, Marie
Subject:=09FW: Albchem Industries Ltd.

Hi Marie,
Can you confirm that this would cover Power transactions?
Sarah :)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Seib, Dianne =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 3:27 PM
To:=09Pernul, Sarah
Subject:=09FW: Albchem Industries Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Heard, Marie =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 3:22 PM
To:=09Adams, Laurel; Allen, Kimberly; Anderson, Diane; Bailey, Susan; Bell,=
Jean; Bowen, Bob; Brackett, Debbie R.; Bradford, William S.; Brewer, Julie=
; Brown, Angela Y.; Bryan, Linda S.; Campos, Anthony; Cason, Sharen; Cisner=
os, Celeste; Colbert, Marilyn; Conwell, Wendy; Cook, Mary; Curry, Ken; Diam=
ond, Russell; Ebow, Amber; Ellstrom, Diane; Espinoza, Veronica; Fischer, Ja=
son; Garcia, Jorge A. ; George, Fraisy; Gonzalez, Veronica; Guillen, Andrea=
R.; Hare, Bill D.; Heaney, Gordon; Hendry, Brent; Hundl, Kimberly; Hunter,=
Larry Joe; Johnson, Cheryl; Johnson, Rudwell; Jones, Tana; Koehler, Anne C=
.; Lambert, Karen; Landau, Georgi; Landry, Shemeika S.; Lebrocq, Wendi; Lee=
s, Lisa; Leite, Francisco Pinto; Mendoza, Nidia; Moore, Jason; Moran, Tom; =
Mulvany, Patrick; Murphy, Melissa Ann; Nelson, Cheryl; Nelson, Gary; Ngo, T=
racy; Ornelas, Bianca; Otto, Randy; Panus, Stephanie; Piwetz, Stephanie; Ra=
dous, Paul; Rajaram, Aparna; Reeves, Leslie; Reves, Brant; Richardson, Stac=
ey; Rodriguez, Bernice; Rodriguez, Melissa; Rohauer, Tanya; Sacks, Edward; =
Sayre, Frank; Schott, Samuel; Seib, Dianne; Sever, Stephanie; Shackleton, S=
ara; Shivers, Lynn; Southard, Carrie; Tackett, Scott; Taylor, Mark E (Legal=
); Theriot, Kim S.; Thomas, Sheri; Vanek, Darren; Whalen, Melinda; Williams=
, Jason R (Credit); Williams, Tiffany
Cc:=09Law, Michael
Subject:=09Albchem Industries Ltd.

We have received an executed financial Master Agreement.

Type of Contract:=09Master Agreement (Industrial)

Effective Date:=09=09August 2, 2001

Enron Entity:=09=09Enron Canada Corp.

Counterparty:=09=09Albchem Industries Ltd.

Transactions Covered:=09Approved for natural gas and crude oil products. N=
ot approved for pulp and paper, weather, foreign =09=09=09=09exchange, stee=
l, interest rate and currency or forward rate.

Confirming Entity:=09Enron Canada Corp.

Governing Law:=09=09Province of Alberta