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Subject:Front Page Headlines from NYTimes.com
Date:Sat, 2 Jun 2001 01:02:28 -0700 (PDT)

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Saturday, June 2, 2001 ON THE FRONT PAGE 16 Are Killed by S=
uicide Bomber Outside Tel Aviv Nightclub By DEBORAH SONTAG In the deadlie=
st attack since the eruption of violence last fall, at least 17 people were=
killed, including a suicide bomber, in a blast outside a crowded Tel Aviv =
club. Royal Family of Nepal Are Killed in Palace Shooting By BARBARA=
CROSSETTE In a wholesale killing of royalty not seen in nearly a century, =
the king and queen of Nepal and several relatives were reportedly shot to d=
eath in their palace. McCain Playing Host to Daschle, Fueling Some G.O=
.P. Fears of Alliance By ALISON MITCHELL Republican Senator John McCain c=
ould create new problems for President Bush and others in the G.O.P. by for=
ging closer ties with Democratic leaders. Economy Remains Weak, Even a=
s Unemployment Rate Falls By DAVID LEONHARDT American employers continued=
to cut jobs in May, though at a slower pace than during the previous two m=
onths. For Britain's Tories, Stiff Upper Lip as Election Hopes Plummet=
By SARAH LYALL The main question facing conservative leader William Hagu=
e is how thoroughly his party will lose in Thursday's election. But Hague d=
oes not even seem worried. Democrats' New Map of Indiana Divides G.O.P=
. By RICHARD L. BERKE Two Republican congressmen from Indiana find themse=
lves at odds, each claiming that the new Fourth Congressional District is r=
ightfully his. ALSO IN TODAY'S TIMES Politicians Bid Farewell to Moak=
ley at Funeral By B. DRUMMOND AYRES Jr. President Bush, former President =
Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and thousands of mourners gathe=
red in Boston at a funeral for Representative Joe Moakley. South Afric=
a's Small Warrior Against AIDS Dies Quietly By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Nkosi=
Johnson, a frail 12-year-old with AIDS who had become a living indictment =
of the government's policies, slipped away quietly yesterday after five mon=
ths on the brink of death. Vivendi Will Acquire Houghton Mifflin for $=
1.7 Billion By SETH SCHIESEL Expanding its presence in the United States =
educational publishing market, Vivendi Universal of France announced that =
it had agreed to acquire the Houghton Mifflin Company. QUOTATION OF TH=
E DAY [IMAGE]This just proves that the whole country is the frontline." RO=
N HULDAI,, TODAY'S IMAGES [IMAGE] Front Page Image Today's Ph=
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