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Subject:Front Page Headlines from NYTimes.com
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 01:03:15 -0700 (PDT)

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Thursday, June 7, 2001 ON THE FRONT PAGE Panel Tells Bush G=
lobal Warming Is Getting Worse By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE with ANDREW C. REVK=
IN In a conclusion that may change President Bush's environmental policy, a=
panel of scientists said that global warming was a real problem and gettin=
g worse. U.S. Will Restart Wide Negotiations With North Korea By JAN=
E PERLEZ President Bush said he hoped that renewed talks with North Korea w=
ould foster reconciliation between the reclusive Communist government and S=
outh Korea. Study Finds Heart Regenerates Cells By LAWRENCE K. ALTMA=
N Researchers reported that contrary to medical dogma some human heart musc=
le cells do regenerate after a heart attack, though generally too few to re=
pair all the damage. Coalition Builder Wins Los Angeles Mayoral Race =
By TODD S. PURDUM Los Angeles City Attorney James K. Hahn won the city's m=
ayoral election and quickly promised bonds between both his supporters and =
those of his opponent, Antonio Villaraigosa. Judge Refuses McVeigh's B=
id for a Reprieve By DAVID JOHNSTON Despite the F.B.I.'s belated discover=
y of evidence, a federal judge rejected Timothy J. McVeigh's request to pos=
tpone his execution, which is set for Monday. New War Memorial Is Shri=
ne to Sentiment By HERBERT MUSCHAMP Friedrich St. Florian's design for th=
e National World War II Memorial in Washington diminishes the substance of =
its architectural context. Online, Married Priests Aid Flock at Odds W=
ith Church By SUSAN SAULNY The fractured nature of the Roman Catholic Chu=
rch and the nationwide shortage of priests has made www.rentapriest.com a s=
uccess. ALSO IN TODAY'S TIMES Armies of Europe Failing to Meet Goals,=
Sapping NATO By MICHAEL R. GORDON Two years after NATO vowed to improve =
its military effectiveness, the alliance is falling short of its goals, lea=
ving a huge gap between the United States and its European allies. New=
Senate Leader Urges 'Principled Compromise' as Democrats Take Over By AL=
ISON MITCHELL The new Senate majority leader, Tom Daschle, called for "prin=
cipled compromise" to avoid gridlock in a capital where Republicans no long=
er hold all the levers of power. QUOTATION OF THE DAY [IMAGE]He was s=
entenced to death by lethal injection, and I find that there is no good cau=
se to delay the execution of that sentence." JUDGE RICHARD P. MATSCH, of T=
imothy J. McVeigh. TODAY'S IMAGES [IMAGE] Front Page Image Tod=
ay's Photos Advertisement Today's Corrections TODAY'S SECTIONS * I=
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