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Subject:Front Page Headlines from NYTimes.com
Date:Tue, 5 Jun 2001 01:04:09 -0700 (PDT)

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Tuesday, June 5, 2001 ON THE FRONT PAGE Court Voids Death S=
entence of Retarded Man By LINDA GREENHOUSE The Supreme Court ruled 6 to =
3 that jurors in Johnny Paul Penry's case received flawed instructions abou=
t how they should consider his retardation. Natural Gas Prices Remain =
High in Southern California By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. To many experts, the =
woes of California's natural gas market are as profound as those of its el=
ectricity market. Riots Break Out as Nepal Gets 3rd King in 4 Days B=
y BARRY BEARAK Hours after a new king was proclaimed in Nepal, protesters i=
n Katmandu demanded the truth about the killings of nearly the entire royal=
family on Friday night. Arizonans Urge McCain to Stick With His Own =
By RAYMOND HERNANDEZ Republican voters and party leaders in Arizona say Se=
nator John McCain is becoming increasingly isolated from his party. Ne=
ws Analysis: Teacher Pact Still Far Off By STEVEN GREENHOUSE City and uni=
on negotiators remained far apart on the size of a raise for 80,000 schoolt=
eachers, and union officials said Mayor Giuliani had a new demand: hiring a=
nd firing power over the schools chancellor. AIDS AT 20: A Special Sec=
tion Quest for AIDS Vaccine Rises From Ashes of Dashed Hopes By DENISE G=
RADY While there is still no AIDS vaccine and none is even close, research =
continues into a preventative that will at least provide some protection ag=
ainst H.I.V. Britain's Blair: Not Lovable, but Electable By SARAH LY=
ALL The people in Britain who will re-elect Prime Minister Tony Blair on Th=
ursday are not universally ecstatic about the job he has done. ALSO IN =
TODAY'S TIMES FASHION In This Bare-It-All Age, Bikinis Are Back By GINIA=
BELLAFANTE The bikini, which fell from favor in the 90's, is enjoying a vi=
brant comeback, among teenage women through those over 50. Mideast Ce=
ase-Fire Strained on 2nd Day By WILLIAM A. ORME Jr. A fragile new cease-f=
ire plan held as Israeli forces traded fire with Gaza gunmen and held a str=
ict blockade on Palestinian communities. 3 Fake Drugs Are Found in Pha=
rmacies By MELODY PETERSEN The F.D.A. is investigating four cases of coun=
terfeit prescription drugs making their way to pharmacy shelves, and, in so=
me cases, being given to patients. QUOTATION OF THE DAY [IMAGE]We're =
also visitors today in the home of 68 endangered species and the only place=
on earth where crocodiles and alligators live side by side. We're kind of =
hoping that's the way it gets to be in the United States Congress.src=3D"ht=
tp://graphics.nytimes.com/images/misc/qclose.gif" ALT=3D""" WIDTH=3D"20" HE=
IGHT=3D"20" BORDER=3D"0" align=3D"top"/< PRESIDENT BUSH, in the Everglades=
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