Enron Mail

Subject:High rollers place bets online
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 15:46:33 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] In the News June 1, 2001 [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE]High rollers place bets online [IMAGE]DoS attacks underscore Net=
's vulnerability [IMAGE]Palm to lay off more workers [IMAGE]Linux links u=
p with original PlayStation [IMAGE]eBay registers shares for acquisitions =
[IMAGE]High-speed Net subscribers surpass 9 million [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] Rumor Mill [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Gateway fumbles; LivePlanet=
mumbles The PC company tries the classifieds, and Yahoo chats up Ben Affle=
ck online. Read Full Story [IMAGE] [IMAGE] High rollers place bets on=
line A skirmish in the war over online gambling comes to a head Monday, th=
e deadline for Nevada legislators to approve a long-shot measure that could=
lead to legalizing the practice in the state. The bill is not expected to =
pass, but it has garnered new attention as some big-name casinos have switc=
hed their position regarding the Net, for the first time seeking to legaliz=
e online wagering. June 1, 2001, 12:50 p.m. PT | Read Full Story [IMAGE=
] DoS attacks underscore Net's vulnerability Denial-of-service attacks--o=
nce an Internet annoyance--are becoming more common and, in many cases, mor=
e serious, security experts said in the wake of an attack on the Internet's=
main warning system for security threats. An unknown attacker last week hi=
t the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordination Center, an impor=
tant agency for passing information on the latest vulnerabilities in comput=
er systems among security experts. June 1, 2001, 12:45 p.m. PT | Read Fu=
ll Story [IMAGE] Palm to lay off more workers Struggling handheld giant =
Palm announced Friday that it will lay off more workers this summer. Palm s=
aid it will make additional cuts to its work force in its first fiscal quar=
ter, which begins Saturday, to bring its cost structure closer in line with=
business conditions. June 1, 2001, 10:00 a.m. PT | Read Full Story [IMA=
GE] Linux links up with original PlayStation After high demand for Sony's=
Japanese release of Linux for the PlayStation 2 game console, another comp=
any is leaping into the fray. The Czech company Blokman Trading has release=
d a test, or alpha, version of the Linux 2.4 kernel for the original PlaySt=
ation console--now dubbed PSone. Sony has strictly controlled its release o=
f PlayStation 2 Linux, building 1,000 of the kits that are set to go on sal=
e this summer and will work only on the Japanese version of the console. J=
une 1, 2001, 12:05 p.m. PT | Read Full Story [IMAGE] eBay registers sha=
res for acquisitions eBay is building up a war chest of stock. The company=
has set aside 10 million shares to use for investing in or acquiring other=
companies, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange C=
ommission on Friday. eBay paid $151,350 to register the shares, which are w=
orth more than $600 million at the company's current stock price. June 1, =
2001, 11:05 a.m. PT | Read Full Story [IMAGE] High-speed Net subscriber=
s surpass 9 million Despite a recent decline in the number of U.S. homes w=
ith Internet access, 119,000 North Americans are signing up for high-speed =
Internet access to their homes per week, according to a study released Frid=
ay. A survey conducted by Kinetic Strategies found there are 9.3 million re=
sidential customers of broadband Internet services in North America, which =
includes 8.2 percent household penetration. June 1, 2001, 11:50 a.m. PT |=
Read Full Story [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Autoweb - Click Here! =09 [IMAGE] =

GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] AOL's higher prices spark ISP battle AOL's price in=
crease generates competition from other ISPs. [IMAGE] Watch Video =09[=
IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09

AGE] Enterprise Colleges serve as hacker training grounds Gates sees =
plenty to be bullish about Athlon races on in new 1.4GHz incarnation =
E-Business Amazon patches auction problem, pays fees Sellers up in arms=
over eBay software fees Mergers to power online energy trading Com=
munications Alcatel to slash 900 jobs PSINet files for bankruptcy protect=
ion 3G phone test breaks down in Japan Media Net access to come at =
Wal-Mart prices FBI drops Net diary hoax Radiohead creeps onto Yahoo =
Personal Technology BlackBerry ripe for Europe Acer announces four-ye=
ar deal with Palm Handspring phone add-on to ring in Japan =09[IM=
AGE] =09[IMAGE]=09


[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Investor Dispatch N=
ews.Context More CNET Newsletters For prompt service, please includ=
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