Enron Mail

Subject:Mac vs. Windows: And the winner is...
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 18:57:43 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09=09Digital Dispatch [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] June 7, 2001 [IMAGE] --Steve F=
ox, editor in chief, CNET.com Dear readers, I can't resist a good fight=
: Napster vs. the RIAA, Intel vs. AMD, Palm vs. Pocket PC. But in my opinio=
n, nothing beats the PC vs. Mac rivalry. It's an ongoing conflict that has =
generated more bad blood, accusatory e-mails (just ask any tech editor), an=
d overall charges of press bias than any other high-tech confrontation imag=
inable. The responsible folks on the CNET Software team considered playing =
peacemaker to the warring tribes, possibly building consensus and even tryi=
ng to heal old wounds. But that wouldn't be much fun, would it? So instead,=
we've decided to add fuel to the fire with the third installment of our OS=
death match, this time pitting Mac OS X against Windows 2000 . This highly=
unscientific battle royale compares the two heavyweight contenders from ea=
ch camp to see who gets to wear the crown. Tell us what you think at softwa=
re-mailbag@cnet.com . We've braced ourselves for the onslaught. This =
Week's Top 10 Top 10 celebrity viruses [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Software=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Net payment nightmares It may be convenient to pay for =
goods digitally, but that path is fraught with danger. Your money may get l=
ost in the ether, you might get locked out of your account, or you may end =
up paying for goods you never receive. Read on for five frightening tales o=
f transaction terrors, plus tips on how to avoid or fix them. In Software =
Electronics [IMAGE] Get the PDA that's right for you There are as many =
ways to use handhelds as there are hands to be held. But to make things a l=
ittle easier, we've narrowed down the field a bit to students, executives, =
gamers, musicians, and a few other categories. If you're looking for some a=
dvice on which PDA is just right for you, click the link above. In Electron=
ics Wireless [IMAGE] Ask the cell phone diva We were so impressed by the=
response to our Wireless Insider "What people are asking the cell phone di=
va" story that we decided to make it a regular feature on CNET Wireless. Se=
nior Editor Joni Blecher will do her best to track down the answers to all =
your questions about cell phones, service providers, and accessories. So ke=
ep 'em coming! In Wireless Software [IMAGE] OS death match: OS X vs. Win=
dows 2000 OS X versus Windows 2000, eh? Sure, why not? Both of these opera=
ting systems are workstation ready, server friendly, and easy enough for ev=
en the smallest home office. So how does plain-Jane Windows 2000 match up w=
ith OS X's bells and whistles? We tossed these two operating systems into t=
he arena in a heavyweight matchup, and only we can pick a winner. In Softwa=
re Hardware [IMAGE] For richer or for poorer: WinBook X1, J1 How differ=
ent can two 1GHz notebooks from the same company be? Quite a bit, actually.=
We pit the sleek WinBook X1 against the bargain WinBook J1 to see which is=
the better deal. In Hardware Web Building [IMAGE] Tricks of the trade =
As dot-coms fold and thousands of Web workers get pink-slipped, adult Web s=
ites remain a reliable and profitable online venture. Learn how the technol=
ogies that are commonly used to put adult content on the Web can be used on=
any site to successful ends. In Web Building celebrity viruses [I=
MAGE] Top Ten [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Chernobyl virus is back, this time lur=
king in messages that promise naked pictures of actress/singer Jennifer Lo=
pez. The e-mail tempts credulous users with the subject line "Where are you=
," and an attachment (jenniferlopez_naked.jpg.vbs) that, when opened, can d=
elete files and make hash of your hard drive. Fortunately, few people have =
fallen for the Lopez virus. But in light of this latest attack, coupled wit=
h February's Anna Kournikova worm , we here at CNET are worried about futur=
e celebrity-based viruses. Here are 10 nasties we hope never make it to you=
r in-box: 10 The Madonna virus This unstoppable pathogen defies antiviru=
s programs by constantly reinventing itself. 9 The Jim Jeffords virus Parti=
tions your hard drive so that the two sides don't want to work together. 8 =
The Michael Jackson virus Launch this bad boy and your entire screen slowly=
fades to white. 7 The Anne Heche virus Changes all your system settings...=
then switches them back to the original defaults. 6 The Ozzy Osborne virus =
Bites the heads off BAT files. 5 The Calista Flockhart virus Claims to eat =
up your RAM, but we've never noticed any significant impact. 4 The Dan Quay=
le virus When you run spell-check, this macro virus randomly adds the lette=
r e to the ends of words. 3 The Marcel Marceau virus Deletes all your MP3 a=
nd WAV files. 2 The Oprah Winfrey virus Resets your Amazon.com cookies so t=
hat you have nothing but Oprah's Book Club titles on your wish list. 1 The =
Claus Von Bulow virus Rumors that it puts your PC into permanent sleep mode=
are patently false. On the CNET Network [IMAGE] Tech Trends Hardware=
Software Shopping Downloads News Investing Electronics W=
eb Building Help & How-Tos Internet Games Message Boards CNET=
TV & Radio Music Center =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Click Here! Tech New=
s News.com Microsoft messaging tactics recall browser wars Death of the =
free Web Will 3D on phones jump out at consumers? Windows XP may steer =
users' Web choices JavaOne: Joy plugs Jxta More CNET News Top Downl=
oads [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Audiogalaxy Satellite [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] Trillian [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Macromedia Director Shockwave Stud=
io [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Now Up-to-Date & Contact (for the Mac) Ed=
itors' Choice IBM ThinkPad T20 notebook Editors' Choice In Hardware Son=
icblue Rio 800 128MB MP3 player Editors' Choice In Music Center Sony DCR=
-PC5 digital camcorder Editors' Choice In Electronics Microsoft Publishe=
r 2002 Editors' Choice In Software Progeny Debian 6.0 Editors' Choice =
In Linux Center Novatel Wireless Merlin for Ricochet Editors' Choice In =
Wireless NetMechanic Editors' Choice In Web Building Also from CNET =
IT manager community from Tech Republic Featured comparison: 50 most po=
pular handhelds Find a wireless phone for your favorite grad Laid off? =
Check out 90,000 job listings Build an online photo album =09[IMAGE] =


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